Decoding Cancer public talks focusing on the HPV vaccine and cervical cancer
We are pleased to announce our upcoming Decoding Cancer public talk entitled: The HPV Vaccine – Warts and all.
This public talk will take place in two venues: Galway, 23 August and Cork, 24 August.
Cervical cancer (and some other forms of cancer) are caused by the HPV virus.
In 2016 more than 90 Irish women will die from cervical cancer and a further 280 will need intensive treatment, such as surgery, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, to help them overcome invasive cervical cancer (4 in 10 of these women will succumb to their disease within 5 years).
HPV also causes pre-cancerous cervical conditions and a further 6,500 Irish women will need hospital treatment to remove these growths.
HPV vaccination can prevent cervical and other cancers caused by this virus and is offered free of charge to all girls in their first year of secondary school. However, parents have become concerned at possible health issues associated with this vaccination programme.
As part of the Irish Cancer Society’s “Decoding Cancer” series we have invited speakers to outline the significance of HPV as a cause of cancer and the facts about the safety of the vaccine being used in Irish schools.
Speakers include:
- Professor Margaret Stanley, OBE, University of Cambridge, whose research focusses on the development of vaccines and immunotherapies against HPV.
- Dr Michael O Leary, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Galway University Hospital. (Galway event only)
- Dr Matt Hewitt, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Cork University Maternity Hospital (Cork event only)
- Moderator: Dr Robert O Connor, Head of Research, Irish Cancer Society
The talk will take place in the Clayton Hotel Galway 6.30 - 7.30 pm on Tuesday 23 August and in The Oriel House Hotel Cork 6.30 - 7.30 pm on Wednesday 24 August.
The events will also be broadcasted live on our Facebook Page for anyone who wishes to participate but is unable to attend in person.
This is a free event but please register if you would like to attend in person: