ECL patient support group launches Europe-wide patient survey
The Association of European Cancer Leagues’ Patient Support Working Group (PSWG) has launched a cancer patients’ survey in an attempt to build a better picture of the problems people experience during or after their cancer journey.
The PSWG was established in the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) in 2008 and is made up of patient support professionals from ECL member leagues. It currently works in three main areas: employment and cancer; improving access to private insurance for cancer patients; and survivors and psychosocial screening and support.
The PSWG has found that many similarities exist across Europe in terms of employment issues and access to insurance, and it wants to act together to improve the lives of patients beyond medical care.
It you are a cancer patient or survivor, the PSWG would like to hear from you by completing the survey, which is titled “Social Protection for Cancer Patients”.
Click here to take part in the PSWG Social Protect for Cancer Patients survey