Irish Cancer Society is looking for men aged 40 and over to take part in a research study
The Irish Cancer Society is looking for men aged 40 and over to take part in a research study. This study will look at your experience of finding and understanding information on cancer.
The findings will help us to improve their cancer information services for men.
About the research
The research will:
- Look at how and why men get cancer prevention information;
- Find out what helps and stops men from using the Irish Cancer Society to get this information; and
- Find out how and where men want to get cancer prevention information in the future.
What is involved?
The research involves doing a survey. There are six sections and it will take you about 20 minutes. If you are interested we would also like to talk to you about how to improve cancer services, either individually or in a group.
Who is doing the research?
The Irish Cancer Society is funding University College Cork to do the research. Frances Drummond is leading it. The team includes the Men's Health Forum and Men's Groups of Ireland and some international collaborators.
What happens to your information?
Taking part is voluntary and your answers are completely confidential. The results of the research may be published or presented at conferences, but no individual responses will be identified. The information you provide will be stored securely. You can change your mind at any point when filling in the survey and leave it.
Like any more information?
If you would like more information, have any queries or would like help completing the form, please contact Frances by phone at 087 438 0349 or email or Please also contact us if you would like to talk to us about how to improve cancer services.