Irish Cancer Society position paper on e-cigarettes
The Irish Cancer Society and Irish Heart Foundation have published a joint position paper on e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTP).
This paper reviews international research regarding e-cigarettes and HTP and sets out our policy recommendations for e-cigarettes, which are as follows:
- Reconvene the Department of Health Tobacco Policy Review Group to review evidence on e-cigarettes.
- Prohibit e-cigarette product advertising through all communications mediums, including outdoor areas (billboards, buses) and at the point of sale.
- Strengthen the ASAI code to address current breaches of the code.
- Prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes to anyone under the age of 18.
- Extend the indoor-smoking ban to e-cigarettes.
- Prohibit e-cigarette use in Public Service Vehicles.
- Prohibit e-cigarette use in vehicles where persons under the age of 18 are present.
- Stricter enforcement of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).