Operating to the highest standards
The story currently running in the media about the Central Remedial Clinic has raised many concerns for the public about how charities are run and how donated money is spent. Some reports have noted that no Regulator has been appointed to the charity sector, even though legislation was passed in 2009 to provide for one. This is true. However, in the meantime, many charities, ourselves included, have signed up to quite rigorous voluntary codes of practice so that the public and our donors and supporters can be reassured that we are operating to the highest standards of transparency and good governance. We have done this because we believe that the public, who are funding us, expect us to operate to the very highest standards and deserve nothing less. Also, the Irish Cancer Society is a company limited by guarantee and therefore is subject to the full rigours of company law. Every year we publish our audited accounts and they are available on our website, so that anyone who wants can see how much we raise and what it is spent on. If you want to know more see our accounts here. Feel free to contact us if you have any question, on 01 2310517 or email us to communications@irishcancer.ie See our Q & A on charity top-ups here.