The Real Cost of Cancer: Sally's story
Sally (aged 52) was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 as a result of reading an article about breast cancer awareness in the Evening Herald.
Having had a mammogram earlier that year, Sally felt she was at low risk, but the article compelled her to check her breasts and she was shocked to discover a lump.
Sally had surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy as part of her treatment. However, one of the side effects that she hadn’t considered was the impact of cancer on her finances. Cancer is not something you plan for and usually strikes suddenly leaving no time for financial strategies.
Sally found it quite difficult to get a medical card which appeared to be the only resource available at the time, to relieve some of the substantial additional costs relating to her medical treatment. She found the form filling and compilation of information that was required really burdensome.
The process took several weeks and expenses could not be refunded. When she did eventually secure a medical card, she found that this went some way towards relieving her financial stress.