Will you get your friends and family to run, walk or roll to fund vital Cancer Research?

Irish Cancer Society launches new fundraising initiative ‘Run, Walk & Roll’

The Irish Cancer Society is launching a new fundraising event ‘Run Walk & Roll for Cancer Research’. We are inviting communities across Ireland to run, walk and roll in just about anything with wheels- scooters, skateboards, wheelchairs, prams, bikes….as long as it doesn’t have an engine! Not only will you help support Irish Cancer Society Research but you will also bring your friends and families together for a great, fun day out! It’s so easy to get involved. Simply pick a date and a venue for your event and get your family, friends and co-workers on board. CallSave the fundraising team today on 1850 60 60 60 for more information or visit www.cancer.ie/runwalkroll. [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"1107","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"342","width":"480"}}]] The Irish Cancer Society is the largest independent funder of cancer research in Ireland. The funds you raise will help to continue funding innovative, high-quality research that has a significant impact on preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer. Since 1963, we have invested over €30 million from voluntary donations into hundreds of innovative research projects.  These projects have contributed to our understanding of cancer works, have helped improve treatments, and have lead to better outcomes for patients.  Here are just a few examples of some of the many ways Irish Cancer Society Research is making a difference.  We are:

  • Funding a team of prostate cancer researchers around the country, who are all working together to find better ways of diagnosing and treating this disease
  • Investing in ‘gene therapy’ research as a possible new strategy for the treatment of breast cancer 
  • Supporting clinical trials in hospitals across Ireland, enabling Irish patients gain access to new cancer treatments 
  • Actively raising the profile of cancer research so that every person in Ireland realises the importance of cancer research for their future health.

In 2011 alone, over  47 discoveries from research were funded by the Irish Cancer Society. Latest data shows that last year in Ireland over 29,000 people were diagnosed with cancer. The National Cancer Registry estimates that by 2020 new cancer cases are expected to grow to over 40,000.  Research into preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer is a must to help fight this disease.  In 2011, we contributed €300,000 towards patients access to clinical trials in the areas of Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Myeloma, Melanoma, Prostate, Lymphoma and Non Small Cell Lung Cancer among others. Cancer will affect one in three of us during the course of our lifetime and one in four of us will die from the disease.  So please get involved! It’s very easy your own Run Walk & Roll event and your contribution will help us to improve the lives of people affected by cancer in your community.