Senior woman

Vaginal cancer

Vaginal cancer is rare. About 20 women in Ireland are diagnosed with it each year.

Vaginal cancer can happen at any age. It is more common between the ages of 50 and 70. 

On this page:

What is vaginal cancer?

Vaginal cancer is a rare cancer of the female reproductive system. 

Vaginal cancer is when normal cells in the vagina change and grow in an abnormal way. These cells can form a malignant (cancerous) tumour.  

What is the vagina and what does it do?

The vagina is part of the female reproductive system. It is a muscular tube about 10cm long. It is the passage between the opening of the womb (cervix) and the vulva. The vulva is the most outer part of the female reproductive system located at the opening of the vagina. 

The vagina has many functions. It opens and expands during the birth of a baby, and it drains blood during a monthly period.

The wall or lining of the vagina is made up of many layers. For example, an epithelial tissue layer making up the lining of the vagina and a connective tissue layer making up the walls of the vagina that also include muscle, lymph nodes and nerves. The lymph nodes help to fight infection. There are also glands near the entrance of the vagina which produce a mucus. This keeps the vagina moist and acts as a lubricant during sex.



We use gender-inclusive language. We sometimes use woman/man and female/male when they are needed to explain a person's treatment and care - for example, talking about hormones or body parts - and when needed to describe research or statistics.
Whoever you are, wherever you come from, we are here for you. For confidential advice, information and support, contact our Support Line on Freephone 1800 200 700.

More information about treatment for vaginal cancer

Treatment for vaginal cancer includes surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

For more information about treatments for vaginal cancer, visit our treatment page. For information about particular treatments, see the links below.

Looking for support?

Our cancer support section contains information and advice on coping with cancer for diagnosed patients and their loved ones.

*The Irish Cancer Society uses the most up-to-date cancer statistics from the National Cancer Registry Ireland, available on

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