Cancer awareness and prevention

Stopping cancer before it starts and catching cancer early are key goals of the Irish Cancer Society.

We know 4 out of every 10 cancers can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle. For example, we can watch what we eat, choose not to smoke, cut down on alcohol and take regular exercise. 

Catching cancer early is one of the best ways to increase the odds of surviving cancer. When cancer is diagnosed early, it can improve the quality of life of those living with cancer, increase survival and reduce the severity of treatment.

We run awareness campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness of cancer symptoms and to help people make changes to reduce their risk of cancer.

Cancer awareness month by month

At certain times of the year, we mark awareness days, weeks or months to help spread the word about how to help prevent different kinds of cancers, and how to spot them early.

Below are some of the cancer awareness periods we regularly cover, with links to helpful resources on each cancer.

Please note: awareness months are the same every year, but the dates of awareness weeks and days can change each year.

HPV and cancer purple logo


International HPV Awareness Day

Cancer awareness and prevention in the community

We work with communities across Ireland to raise awareness about cancer and provide information, presentations, information stands and health checks and signpost people to our supports and and services for people affected by cancer.

We do this by focusing on hard-to-reach communities where cancer rates are highest, as well as by partnering with local community organisations, workplaces and other health charities and bodies.

'Your Health Matters' Early Detection Roadshow

The 'Your Health Matters' Early Detection Roadshow initiative aims to reduce people’s risk of cancer and improve early detection rates by:

  • Promoting healthy lifestyle changes
  • Increasing awareness of cancer symptoms
  • Encouraging people to go to their doctor if they have any symptoms
  • Addressing any barriers and fears that make it hard for them to access health services. 

Further information on upcoming locations is available here.