X-Hale Awards 2019


X-HALE is an Irish Cancer Society initiative that partners with youth organisations and young people to work towards a tobacco free generation.

On this page:

Young people promote World No Tobacco Day 2020

The Irish Cancer Society's X-HALE youth advocates have collaborated with young tobacco control activists to create four short films.

Watch videos  

Unfortunately, the X-HALE 2020 Film Competition was cancelled due to Covid-19.

X-HALE is an Irish Cancer Society initiative that partners with youth organisations and young people to work towards a tobacco free generation.

Support Ireland's First Tobacco Free Generation!  Watch and share the X-HALE 2019 short films made by 57 youth groups across Ireland.

The Irish Cancer Society X-HALE programme was awarded 1st prize at the EU Health Awards 2018 for NGOs working to prevent tobacco use. 

For more information about X-HALE contact the team by email kohagan@irishcancer.ie or phone 01 2310541. 

X-HALE Downloads
Downloadable posters & resources

For more information

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01 2310541. 

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