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posted by Wishuwell
02 November 2023

Travel Insurance

Last reply: 19 November 2023 19:41
Hi Just looking for advice on travel insurance please , am planning on a holiday nxt summer and wondering does anybody have any recommendations for a company that will insure you while still on active cancer treatment. My consultant is happy for me to travel and will provide a letter saying so , am finished chemo & cancer free but still go in to hospital every 8 weeks for infusion of Obinutuzamab which is an immunotherapy/antibody drug. My private health cover doesn't cover travel abroad and just wondering has anybody been in a similar situation and know of an insurance company that covered your cancer while abroad , have EHIC but worst case scenario and I became unwell abroad and needed to be brought home by airambulance I would be happier going known I had all eventualities covered. Thanks in advance
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posted by Gem
02 November 2023

Me again :(

Last reply: 07 November 2023 18:43
Hello, I'm going to the triple assessment clinic in Mater Private next Monday. I haven't even received a letter or text confirming and don't know what to expect. This does not fill me with confidence regarding the clinic. If they don't mention anything to me about how the scans look does that mean it's bad? I'll be seeing the consultant on Wednesday so of course he will go through everything. It's just...well you know how sometimes radiographers will say "all looks ok", if they don't does that mean there is an issue? Also, what will indicate to them that I need a biopsy? If things do look fine, will they biopsy in order to understand my symptoms? I'm overwhelmed and worn out with it all.
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posted by Cancer Nurse
01 November 2023

November-Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

No question too big or too small. The Irish Cancer Society has experienced cancer nurses on our support line. They are there to answer any question about prostate cancer. They will provide advice information and support to both men and their partners/family or friends on any query regarding prostate cancer. And there are many questions… It may be ‘what age should I start discussing the PSA test with my GP What is the PSA test What if my father/brother had prostate cancer You may have questions about the treatment and the side effects of treatments and how to manage them It may be practical questions around local support or transport to hospital. You may wonder why women are called for screening and not men- this is something our cancer nurses can explain. We can inform you about Prostate Rapid Access Clinics around the country- who they are for and how the referral system works. Or it may be all around the emotional aspect to a cancer diagnosis. Maybe talking to another man who is trained as one of our Peer to Peer volunteers and has been through prostate cancer treatment would be helpful to you at this time. You may find talking to a trained counsellor would help you to cope better with your worries and distress. Counselling is available not only to the person going through cancer treatment but also to a loved one finding it all very hard. Maybe you or your relative’s prostate cancer is advanced and you are worried about the future & what support and services are there for you. Maybe you are wondering about clinical trials and prostate cancer and what questions to ask your consultant. Everybody has different concerns at this moment in time. That is why the individual approach can be of so much benefit. Do phone our cancer nurses knowing your call is confidential. Our freephone number is 1800 200 700. We are here Mon-Fri 9-5pm. You can also email us at or request a video call with one of our nurses. We do hope we will hear from you-and not only during November! Best wishes Cancer Nurse  
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posted by Muireann85
29 October 2023

Initial doagnosis

Last reply: 01 November 2023 13:06
Hi, I had a triple assessment last week for a lump that I found while I was pregnant. I am now 3 weeks post partum. I was truly shocked to be effectively diagnosed straight away. Now I am just waiting for biopsy results for staging. I am 38 and in a blind panic. I couldn't ask anything because I was in shock. I have a 12 day wait for my results. I have had upper back pain since labour and have convinced myself that it has spread to my lungs. I'm so worried about the future, especially since I'm a new mum. If anyone could help answer some questions. Is it standard to take a lymph node sample at triple assessment or is it only done if spreading is suspected? Was there any financial supports available? If you can't work or need to get a carer? Thank you.
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posted by noddy
24 October 2023

Symptom worry

Last reply: 28 October 2023 19:22
Hi I was diagnosed with local recurrance in oct 21 just a month off 10yrs clear of first diagnoses . I have finished all treatment since jan of this year thankfully ,although still having 6monthly Ct scan . Last scan was sept and saw oncologist after who was happy enough for another 6 months. I pointed out when there that I noticed a small pucker on my diep reconstructed breast on the opposite side to lumpectomy . She had a look said seemed to be ok ,but it’s just not sitting with me and I now have a feeling of fullness in both of my armpits but predominantly in bad side . There is also pain . I’m assuming it’s all scar tissue and nerve issues after lumpectomy and previous surgery ? Anyone anything similar ? TIA
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posted by mos1977
23 October 2023

Invasive lobular breast cancer

Last reply: 24 October 2023 16:53
Hi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Aug 23. I had lumpectomy and my onco test was low so no chemo. I started tamoxifen and was referred for radiation, the breast are nurse said there is a 12 week window where you should start after surgery but the hospital have said I could be waiting another 4 weeks for the mapping then another 4/6 weeks to start, so I am getting worried now. Any advice would be appreciated.
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posted by smaslug
19 October 2023

Concern about Oesophageal Cancer Symptoms

Last reply: 24 October 2023 16:28
Hi all. I hope it is okay for me to post here (if not- apologies and I will delete) I am concerned about oesophageal cancer symptoms. However, I feel like these will be dismissed if I go to a doctor. I think part of it is health anxiety, but another part is that my symptoms have increased. I've had a narrow oesophagus since I was a teenager (I'm now in my mid-twenties). It often feels tight, like it's closing up, and that I cannot properly clear my throat. I used to be able to clear it normally before this, but now I need to clear it much more harshly if that makes sense. I had an endoscopy as a teenager, and it came back clear. They suggested the tightness was due to stress. I had another endoscopy about 2/3 years ago, as I still had symptoms and had frequent nausea. This was also clear. Obviously I still have symptoms so something doesn't feel right, but I was relieved that these tests came back okay. The issue now is that I feel like symptoms have worsened. I'm having to clear my throat more frequently and harsher. It also feels like something is stuck in my throat. It feels like food/drink isn't being pushed down correctly by my throat muscles. Water feels like it sticks in my throat and I have to try to clear it. My voice also goes hoarse very quickly if I talk for a long time in situations like presentations. In addition, I have frequent (almost daily) acid reflux, which I know can be a risk factor as well as a symptom in itself. I'm sure it's fine given the previous test results, but I can't help but worry with the increase in symptoms. My father passed from oesophageal cancer a few years ago, so I think I may just be extra cautious around this sort of thing, but it was caught late, and he always had a narrow oesophagus too, so that's always in the back of my mind. I'm trying to reassure myself that I'm just worrying because of my dad, and remind myself that my last tests were okay, but I also don't want to ignore the issues on the off chance something is wrong. Since I feel biased towards checking it out due to the anxiety around it, I thought it might be good to ask others' opinions. Is it worth going to the doctor about, or am I likely just overthinking things? If so, would they even refer me for an endoscopy again considering I've already had two that came back okay? I also don't want to use up an appointment like this since I know people need those, but I'm also concerned about what could happen if I don't check it out. Any advice appreciated, thank you.
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posted by Cancer Nurse
18 October 2023

Living Well with and Beyond Cancer 2023

Our annual national conference will take place as an in-person and online event on Saturday 18th November in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Cork. Register at There will be range of topics and concerns specifically focused on supporting people who have experienced a cancer diagnosis. Expert talks about: Scientific discoveries and current cancer research studies Advances in cancer treatments Keeping healthy with and beyond a cancer diagnosis including managing fatigue, diet and self care The financial realities of cancer and supports available Interactive stalls and sessions: Exercise demonstrations Look Good Feel Better Practical Support and Financial Solutions Services clinic Access to our support services team, including our cancer nurses. This day is intended for those who are currently going through a cancer diagnosis/treatment or have in the past, plus a friend or family member. If you would like more information about the day do ring our cancer nurses on our support line at 1800 200 700 Mon-Fri 9-5pm. If you would like to get an idea of what to expect you can view recordings from previous conferences scroll down here We hope to see you either online or in person Kind regards Cancer Nurse
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posted by Eoghan Gardiner
16 October 2023

Pinky Finger cell cancer just want to share

I have had a mri on my pinky finger, so far they think it's a soft cell tumor hopefully benign. I have had it on my finger a few months, originally my GP sent me for a xray but nothing came back so he said it's probably just a ganglion cyst. 8 months later it's gone very big had to go for 2 mri's. ~Anyway just wanted to share I am 30 years old, anyone else had this experience?
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posted by Catherine2023
16 October 2023

Treatment for cording - at home

Last reply: 16 October 2023 18:38
Hello all! New here (well, newish, 10 years after the first time...). I've had lumpectomy and removal of 2 lymph nodes - lucky that my breast cancer, just like the first time in the other breast 10 years ago, is not the worst brand, and hoping to not need chemo, to get away with just surgery, radio therapy and hormone therapy. However, just 3 1/2 weeks since surgery, I have developed cording under my arm (armpit and nearly to elbow) and in my breast tissue (armpit to nipple, down the side). It is sensitive rather than painful, and I have relatively good arm movement, but I am keen to treat it to get rid of it. My post op physio appointment is not for another two weeks, so keen to find info and resources of how best to deal with this right away - i.e. what kind of massage, and what kind of exercise. The internet is chock full of contradictory advice (light pressure massage, deeper massage, different types of exercises). I do the exercises in the booklet I got in hospital religiously, but that is not focused on cording. Anyone here has good advice to share, and quality resources they can point me to? Many thanks in advance, and I wish you all the very best wherever you are in your cancer journey. All the best Catherine
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