After treatment for lung cancer
What follow-up do I need?
After your cancer treatment has ended, you will still need to have follow-up, which means you will have regular check-ups with your cancer specialist.
The follow-up visit may involve having a physical exam, blood tests and scans. At the end of your treatment, your follow-up plan will be discussed. It's likely that you will be seen by your specialist cancer team every 3–6 months. These check-ups will become less frequent over time.
Make sure you are clear on your post-treatment plan and have a contact number of your specialist cancer team to contact if you have any queries.
Tell your doctor or nurse how you have been since your last appointment. Remember to tell them about any new symptoms, aches or pains you have, or if you are finding it hard to cope. It can help to write down what you want to say before you see the doctor, so you don’t forget anything.
If you are between check-ups and have a symptom or problem that is worrying you, call your specialist nurse for advice or to arrange an earlier outpatient appointment if necessary.
If you become suddenly unwell and can’t contact your specialist nurse or hospital team, go to your GP or the emergency department at the hospital.
It’s important to attend your follow-up appointments so your doctor can check for signs of the cancer coming back (recurrence) and help with any side-effects that you may have.
They can also check for signs of new side-effects that may develop after you have finished treatment. It is better to be aware of these as early as possible so that suitable treatment can be given.
What if the cancer comes back?
If the cancer comes back in the lung or somewhere else, you can still have treatment. Your doctor will talk to you about your options.
Feelings after treatment
It can take some time to come to terms with a cancer diagnosis, even after your treatment has ended. Read about feelings after treatment and where to get support.
Living a healthy lifestyle
Many people want to live a healthy lifestyle after getting a cancer diagnosis. Get some advice on healthy living here.
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