Tax efficient giving

Kids dressed in yellow holding daffodils

Have you donated to the Irish Cancer Society in the last four years? If so, just a moment of your time could make all the difference to someone living with cancer. And it won’t cost you a penny.

Did you know you can allow the Irish Cancer Society to claim 44.9% in tax back on your donations over €250, at no cost to you, our donor. That’s an additional €112.25 on top of a €250 donation. All you need to do is sign and return a CHY3 tax-back form so we can claim the tax back from the Revenue Commissioners.

By completing a CHY3 form, you can unlock much needed income which could fund life-saving, cancer research or the delivery of a range of services that will improve the lives of people living with cancer.

Complete your CHY3 form below

This will help our specialist cancer nurses to support even more patients nationwide, in hospitals, online and by phone through our Support Line. It will support more families with direct financial help and specialist services when their child receives a cancer diagnosis. Our Night Nurses can provide end-of-life care for more cancer patients in their own homes.

But we cannot do anything unless you sign and return your tax-back form today.

There are a number of ways you can complete a CHY3 Enduring Certificate

  • Online: Complete your CHY3 form here 
  • Email: Download a CHY form here, fill it out and send to
  • Post: Download a CHY form here, fill it out and send to Irish Cancer Society, 43-45 Northumberland Road, FREEPOST F215, Dublin 4.

You can also call us on 0818 10 20 30 and we'll send you one in the post.

How does the Irish Cancer Society claim my tax back?

After the end of any year in which your donations total €250 or more, we will send you a CHY3 form to complete (unless you already completed one for that period). If you are a tax payer simply complete the form and return it to the Irish Cancer Society. We will then send a claim to Revenue. When they are satisfied that you paid at least that amount in tax, they will send us the money. Please send your completed CHY3 form directly to the Irish Cancer Society, not Revenue.

How much will my donation be worth?

You donation will be worth an additional 44.93%. So if you donate €250, we can claim €112.33 tax back from revenue – meaning your original donation is worth €362.33 to the Irish Cancer Society. 

Do all my donations qualify for tax purposes?

That depends. We can only claim tax back on donations which come from you and from which you’ve received no tangible benefit (e.g. If you bought raffle tickets, raised sponsorship yourself or sponsored someone to go on an overseas trek, they would not qualify). If in doubt do get in touch and we can let you know if your donation qualifies.

My tax details are personal. Will this information remain confidential?

Absolutely. Your details will remain completely confidential to the Irish Cancer Society and the Revenue Commissioners. The information will not be used for anything other than the tax claim. And you don’t need to tell us how much tax you pay or whether you are PAYE or selfassessed. All we need is your signature and PPS number. We will retain this number securely and only for the purposes of obtaining the tax back on your donation. 

If the charity claims tax back on my donations does it affect the tax I pay?

Not at all. It won’t cost you a penny in tax or affect your tax status in any way. 

I’m not a taxpayer but my spouse is – can my donations still be tax-effective?

Yes. If you are jointly assessed as a couple either party can sign the form using either person’s PPS number. 

What if I’m a pensioner, or I’m not employed?

If you have a pension, investments or any other means on which you pay either income or capital gains tax, we can claim on this amount. I’m self-employed/self-assessed – don’t I get the tax relief myself? Since 1 Jan 2013, self-assessed and PAYE taxpayers are treated the same – all tax relief goes to the charity, not the taxpayer. So, while you don’t get the relief yourself, your donations to the Irish Cancer Society can be worth 44.9% more, at no extra cost to you.

What if I donate to more than one charity?

It doesn’t matter if you have given to other charities as well. You can send in the tax form to each charity. We only reclaim tax on the donations you made to the Irish Cancer Society (assuming you donated €250 or more to us within a year). All charities can claim separately for donations you’ve made.