Become an Event Support Volunteer

health roadshow banner

About our events

There are year round events happening for Irish Cancer Society. These include: 

  • Your Health Matters Roadshow – these are cancer information and prevention events where our cancer nurses set up health checks and information stands in locations around Ireland
  • Fundraising events such as colour dash or relay for life 
  • In shops or businesses
  • Conferences and meetings
  • Exhibitions and Shows

What’s involved in volunteering as an Event Support Volunteer?

For this role you will be based in your own locality and will be contacted when there is an event in your area to check your availability. Events are ad-hoc and varied and so the role suits someone who does not have regular availability and enjoys people facing activities.

We ask volunteers to commit a minimum of 4 hours per session but we can be flexible on this. Times vary depending on the nature of the event, but events run Monday -Sunday year round. Your volunteering times will be planned and agreed in advance with staff. All volunteers are asked to attend support and supervision meetings and continuous training during the year.

The exact tasks vary depending on the type of event but usually these are the tasks that would be required:

  • To welcome, assist and signpost visitors to the information they require
  • Give information about the society and its services
  • Assisting the staff with education/ information programmes
  • Distributing leaflets and posters 
  • Participate in cancer awareness campaigns and relay key cancer prevention messages as outlined by the Irish Cancer Society.
  • Meet and Greet with members of the public
  • Registering/taking details of attendees
  • Stewarding visitors at events
  • Handing out badges/t-shirts/promotional items
  • To follow the guidelines in all volunteer policies, procedures and forms

What are the requirements to be an Events Support Volunteer?

  • Professional but warm and welcoming manner  
  • Good listening and communication skills
  • Good level of spoken English
  • A caring, understanding and friendly attitude
  • A team player who is flexible and trustworthy
  • Ability to work on your own and show initiative
  • Administrative and organisational skills
  • To be non-judgemental and respect confidentiality
  • Minimum 18 years of age
  • There are usually minimal physical requirements for the role but if you feel that you may require any physical accommodations please let us know so we can arrange for you

Upcoming Events

Marshes Shopping Centre Dundalk

19th & 20th June 

Macdonagh Shopping Centre, Kilkenny

17th & 18th July

Dungarvan Shopping Centre

3rd & 4th July

Letterkenny Shopping Centre

31st July & 1st August

Galway Shopping Centre, Headford road, Galway 

14th & 15th August 



Role Description

A full role description can be downloaded below

Next Steps and Apply now

Application process takes approx. 1-2 weeks and consists of the following steps: 

  • Complete an online application form below
  • A short telephone interview with a member of the volunteer team: A short informal chat to assess your suitability for the role and give you the opportunity to ask us any questions.
  • Online Training: An invitation to a self-guided online training module will be emailed to you. This will include information about the Irish Cancer Society, your role and guidelines to be followed. A number of volunteer documents must be agreed to at this stage. Completion of this module is required to continue to the next round.
  • Supply us with necessary documentation. You may be asked to supply us with a passport style photo for an ID badge, depending on the role. 
  • Volunteer references checked. We ask for 2 references on the application form who we may contact at this point of the process. 
  • You are ready to join the Event Support Team! 

Apply now

For more information

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