
We are very thankful for the generosity of our supporters and the public. We are committed to ensuring we live up to our reputation as a respectful, honest and open organisation, and we aim to continue to achieve the highest standards in all our practices.

We welcome feedback (both positive and negative) so we can continue to improve in this regard.   

We try to make sure that:

  • It's as easy as possible to give feedback or make a complaint.
  • We treat feedback and complaints seriously.
  • We deal with them quickly and politely.
  • We respond appropriately and respectfully to the situation.
  • We learn from all feedback and complaints and use them to make improvements.

Giving feedback

If you have any feedback, whether positive or negative, about any aspect of our work or the conduct of our staff or volunteers, you can contact us by email, post, telephone or in person using the contact details set out below:

Please contact:

HR Department - Feedback Section

Irish Cancer Society

43/45 Northumberland Road

Dublin D04 VX65

Telephone: 01 2310500


If we cannot respond to you immediately, we undertake to do so within 7 days.

Feedback will be brought to the attention of the appropriate individual and, where appropriate, their manager.

Where the feedback is negative, every effort will be made to address the concerns raised in a fair and objective manner. You will be advised of the outcome of this process within 21 days.

Making a formal complaint

If you wish to make a formal complaint, you may do so by requesting an official complaints form from the HR Department using the contact details below. It is important you complete the form in full so we have enough information to investigate your complaint. The completed form should be returned to:

HR Department – Complaints Section

Irish Cancer Society

43/45 Northumberland Road

Dublin D04 VX65

Telephone: 01 2310500


Upon receipt of the official Complaints Form, the HR Department will forward it to the most appropriate person who will respond within a period of 7 days and endeavor to resolve the issue within 21 days.

If we cannot resolve your complaint within 21 days, we will explain why and provide a new deadline.

Submitting an appeal

If you are not happy with our response to your formal complaint, you should submit a formal written appeal within 14 days, outlining in detail your reasons for your appeal. This will be forwarded to the Chief Executive who will appoint the most appropriate person to deal with the appeal. This may be a member of the Senior Management Team, who was not the decision maker with respect to the original complaint. Alternatively, the Chief Executive may, at their discretion, appoint an external reviewer to consider the appeal.

A response will be given within 14 days of the date of receipt of the written appeal.

If we cannot respond within the 14 days, we will explain why and provide a new deadline.

The response to this appeal is final in terms of the Irish Cancer Society complaints process.


For more information regarding this policy, please contact:

HR Department – Feedback Section

Irish Cancer Society

43/45 Northumberland Road

Dublin D04 VX65

Telephone: 01 2310500
