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posted by Dane7
04 August 2013

Cancer Conference

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi Ladies Is anyone thinking of going to this in the Aviva in September? Dane
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posted by Newtothis
03 October 2013

Another new member

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi all, I've been reading all your posts for the last few months and finally registered. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July and have read some great advice on this forum so far. I just want to say hi prior to posting any specific questions in the coming weeks. I'm starting chemo tomorrow and I'm sure I'll probably be looking for advice / reassurance on symptons in the next while! I dragged my husband to the cancer forum 2 weeks ago and saw lots of groups of woman together, so hopefully next year I'll be able to leave him at home & meet up with some of you instead! Best wishes to all! Pamela
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posted by Catherine1964
06 September 2013

Tamoxifen and its side effects

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
I am sure many here have read about the Scottish study, reported earlier this week in the Examiner, which showed that up to 40% of women on T did not complete their course because of side effects (though I did a bit of reading online, and it is not clear that the Scottish study actually enquired as to why women were stopping or not taking their treatment consistently). For those who missed it, here are a few links worth a look: ... 42039.html ... 42153.html ... 3464a.html It is clear to me that the medical teams need to listen to women more, and offer them support and options. I thought it interesting that the Examiner's journalist's oncologist told her she'd feel 10 years older. Mine told me that if all drugs were as well tolerated, and had as good a pro to con ratio as Tamoxifen, the world would be a healthier place. Not sure what to make of it all... What do you wimmin here think? Also, I am on day 16 of 5 years worth of the stuff. So far, nothing to report. How soon did those of you on T notice side effects, if any? My ears feel slightly hot as I type this.... does that count? Hope we all feel good today! Catherine
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posted by Catherine1964
10 October 2013

Flu jab?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
I am awaiting a response from the Breast Care Nurses and the Nurses at the RT centre in James, but they are taking their time, and I need to decide soon, so I thought I'd check the collective wisdom here. I get the option of a flu jab each year in the office, and take it each year, though I am not (normally) in an at risk group. I don't get any side effects from it, and I have not had a (real) flu in years. However, I am wondering how wise it is to take the flu jab now, two days after finishing RT and with the Tamoxifen. My googling seems to suggest that it is actually a good idea as cancer treatment (even RT without chemo, apparently) depletes one's immune system. However, I'd like a little advice. Has anyone here been in that position and been given a proper med opinion ? TIA, and I hope you are all feeling well today. I am TIRED, probably a lot less than many reading this, but more than I've been in years. I had completely underestimated the effects of RT, and was happily sailing through it congratulating myself on how well my skin was holding up! Anyway, thanks again for any light you guys can cast! Catherine
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posted by LeitrimLady
22 March 2013

When does full movement in arm return?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi - not sure if there is a typical point when arm movement gets back to normal ? I am 4 weeks over surgery for right side mastectomy and also had a senitel node biopsy. Started driving again yesteday and generally movement good apart from upper arm and inner elbow area when I raise my arm. BC Nurse says it is still the nerve endings repairing, but I just dont see it improving at all despite doing my exercises. Maybe I am expecting too much too soon. Thanks LL
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posted by Veronica102
09 June 2013

Breast cancer stage 4

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer last jan. had a bone marrow biopsey as platelets& iron levels were very low - bone marrow showed up breast cancer cells! Further scans showed my lump& "spots "in liver! Getting over(sort of!) the shock and am in my 5th month of chemo. It's taxol every week for 3 weeks a month and one week "off" I also get a monthly zometa infusion . After my 6 treatments my consultant is talking of putting me on leterzole tablets. Anyone else on this treatment? Anyone else like me? Help! I was wondering if a second opinion would be a good idea but how does that work ? Would love to hear from someone going through similar --also there's no surgery planned, I'd been looking forward to a few "removals" of lumps.
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posted by Ania
07 August 2013

Just had enough of the drugs!!

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Ladies, I desperately need your advice cos no one else understands!! I am 12 months into my cancer treatment, had chemo, surgery, rads and tamoxifen and I have just had enough! I'm done. I have had severe reactions consistently throughout my treatment and because I was so young I was just told I was stressed out. During chemo at varying stages I lost the ability to speak and walk, my head has been melted from all the drugs and I am just not able to make decisions, or be independent essentially, my head is just so badly fogged from everything. Anyway tamoxifen was suppose to be my last treatment, I was on it and due to severe reactions it was stopped for 6 wks and I felt great, then tried it again and only lasted 4 wks on it and my tremor came back (started with chemo but faded slowly after 6months) so it has now been stopped again. I just can't take it anymore, I seem to be really sensitive to drugs and no matter what, I suffer side effects. I just want to be normal and get back to some sort of life but I can't do that on drugs. I am going to tell my oncologist I have had enough and am refusing further treatment cos I can't take it anymore. I have had to give up my life for the last yr and am still waiting for final reconstruction in early oct but then I am off to aus to start again. As far as I am aware the tamoxifen reduces my personal risk of reoccurrence from 15% to 10% which I personally think is useless to me cos if u get cancer in ur 20's there is no way I will get a forty year free pass, if its going to come back it will and I have a tried everything to give myself the best chance but enough is enough! Ye know the pains associated with all the different medications and know that it's not easyi would like to hear your thought before I make radical decisions, any advice really appreciated!!!!
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posted by NAS27
29 May 2013


Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
OK so had my genes test results today ....I have the BRCA2 gene .A very strange feeling after all that has gone this and last year . I feel glad that I got the test as I was borderline whether they were going to give it to me ....My Mum had bilateral breast cancer in her 50's and 60's she is in her 70's now and doing well.Also I have 4 sisters and alot of extended family so its very important that they get tested now. So now to take in all this information and decide what to do .....Just finished radiotherapy 3 weeks ago so need a bit of time to gather myself together . feeling a bit numb at moment .
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posted by cwitch
01 August 2013

Small Cell Cancer (Lung cancer)

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Just wondering if there is anyone out there that is living with someone with small cell cancer (lung cancer). My husband has just finished chemo which went ok, scan soon to determine if radiotherapy can start on lung. This would be followed by preventative brain radiotherapy. Are there any success, long term stories to be told. How hopeful dare I be that the chemo went well & he is doing ok, even put on weight.
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posted by Rexyrooster
14 August 2013

Do I have lymphoma?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi everyone I am looking for some advice. I had two lumps on my neck, one on either side of my neck for the last six months. I then found another two lumps on my neck. The first two have steadily gotten bigger. I am suffering from night sweats and constantly waking up during the night. I am extremely fatigued and am experiencing dizziness but the dizziness is unusual in the fact that it happens if I move my head a certain way. I also am extremely tender and sore under my ribcage. I went to my gp and after blood tests came back normal my gp referred me for an emergency consultation with a surgeon. I am wondering could any one advise me on what to expect next as I am extremely nervous as I have genuinely not felt we'll for the last few months. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated I am a 29 year old woman and don't really ever get sick so even the thoughts of this have me freaked out.
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