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posted by dee2024
30 June 2024

Ribioclib experiences

Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer just before Christmas. My secondary is in my pelvic bone. Started on hormone therapy & ribioclib. So far I've had 5 cycles of ribioclib and it's been great. No major side effects. Would love to heat other people's experience, in particular how long it worked for you, and what treatment was recommended after ribioclib. Thanks
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posted by bidz
02 April 2024


Last reply: 06 April 2024 10:34
Hi all, new here. Could anyone recommend insurance for travel. Dr has said I’m good to go on hols, but everyone I ring when I say on maintenance chemo and ongoing, say no not covered. Just looking for a bit of advice or help. Thanks in advance for any info
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posted by Wishuwell
02 November 2023

Travel Insurance

Last reply: 19 November 2023 19:41
Hi Just looking for advice on travel insurance please , am planning on a holiday nxt summer and wondering does anybody have any recommendations for a company that will insure you while still on active cancer treatment. My consultant is happy for me to travel and will provide a letter saying so , am finished chemo & cancer free but still go in to hospital every 8 weeks for infusion of Obinutuzamab which is an immunotherapy/antibody drug. My private health cover doesn't cover travel abroad and just wondering has anybody been in a similar situation and know of an insurance company that covered your cancer while abroad , have EHIC but worst case scenario and I became unwell abroad and needed to be brought home by airambulance I would be happier going known I had all eventualities covered. Thanks in advance
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posted by Cancer Nurse
18 October 2023

Living Well with and Beyond Cancer 2023

Our annual national conference will take place as an in-person and online event on Saturday 18th November in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Cork. Register at There will be range of topics and concerns specifically focused on supporting people who have experienced a cancer diagnosis. Expert talks about: Scientific discoveries and current cancer research studies Advances in cancer treatments Keeping healthy with and beyond a cancer diagnosis including managing fatigue, diet and self care The financial realities of cancer and supports available Interactive stalls and sessions: Exercise demonstrations Look Good Feel Better Practical Support and Financial Solutions Services clinic Access to our support services team, including our cancer nurses. This day is intended for those who are currently going through a cancer diagnosis/treatment or have in the past, plus a friend or family member. If you would like more information about the day do ring our cancer nurses on our support line at 1800 200 700 Mon-Fri 9-5pm. If you would like to get an idea of what to expect you can view recordings from previous conferences scroll down here We hope to see you either online or in person Kind regards Cancer Nurse
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posted by SerenaG
22 September 2023

Colorectal cancer

Last reply: 27 September 2023 13:37
Anyone know of a group for colorectal cancer survivors? I've a permanent colostomy and have great stoma support, but have never talked to or compared not with a colorectal Cancer survivor!
1 comment
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posted by Mr Motivator
08 September 2023

Diagnosed with Stomach Cancer

Last reply: 11 September 2023 08:38
It’s taken time to process this new challenge in my life. I have a great supportive family and friends. I am very grateful to be part of this very caring community. I wish you all a very creative day. Richard
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posted by Julio
09 July 2023

Doubts about immigrating to Ireland while having cancer.

Last reply: 15 July 2023 00:38
Hello, my name is Julio and I live in Brazil. I was diagnosed with pulmonary Carcinoid cancer with metastasis and a pituitary adenoma in 2018. I treated the pituitary adenoma with surgery and currently undergo hormone replacement therapy. For the Carcinoid, I have been using medications and have been achieving excellent results! The reason for my contact is because I'm interested in doing a language exchange in Dublin for 8 months, and I need information on how I can continue my treatment while in Ireland. Could you provide me with the necessary steps to take or advise me on where I can obtain this information? I have the right to European citizenship through Poland, so I will be traveling as a European citizen.
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posted by JL
22 June 2023

Using accessible toilets

Last reply: 01 July 2023 02:16
I am recovering from Prostate cancer surgery and am now most likely facing lung surgery. Shortly after my prostate surgery I had to use the accessible toilets in Hueston Station. Unfortunately they were locked with no information about how to have them opened. Unfortunately the delay caused me to soil myself in a very public way. The experience was horrific, worse than being told I had prostate cancer and now lung cancer. When I complained to Irish Rail they advised me that as I was not actually a customer I was not entitled to use the toilet and that they had no duty of care to me i.e. to open the toilet in a timely manner. This has really shaken my confidence about asking to use toilets in public places. Has anyone had a similar experience
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posted by maya
24 May 2023

Facial treatments

Last reply: 20 June 2023 13:10
Anybody has facial treatments like botox, dermal filler etc during the targetted drugs treatment ? ( Herceptin+perjeta) Thank you
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posted by Amy Doran
29 September 2022


Last reply: 30 June 2024 23:09
Hi I am 31 and currently living with stage 4 breast cancer.i am almost a year into diagnosis now just wondering does anyone know of any social media groups ,group chats or good pages to follow iv seen alot of pages but mostly from the UK .would be nice to know or follow people from the Irish cancer community.
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