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posted by therailwayman
27 October 2013

bowel and liver cacer

Last reply: 14 November 2013 09:39
hi i was diagnosed with bowel cancer on the 12th of july 2011 about a month later i was told it had spread to my liver was a huge shock at the time is there anyone there that has been going through the same thing would be very grateful for any advice you could give me please
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posted by Mariek2212
29 October 2013

Nipple Reconstruction

Last reply: 04 November 2013 23:31
Hi I am due to have my nipple done in St Vincent's hopsital in the near future. I received a letter from the consultant's Registrar asking that I mark the night before where I want the nipple to be placed, this was his protocol, and they would discuss it with me on the morning of the procedure. I find this to be quite a bizarre request and not very helpful, on the part of the consultant and his Registrar. Has anyone else encountered this in St Vincent's or anywhere else for that matter. I am very tempted not to mark the spot as a form of protest. Mimi
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posted by sunshine71
31 October 2013

survivors guilt..

Last reply: 02 November 2013 20:52
Today I heard of the passing of another girl I went to school with from cancer. This is the 2nd person I know who has passed from cancer (not breast cancer) since I've been diagnosed. I find it so very hard to deal with news like this especially since my own diagnosis. I remember waiting on results to see how far advanced it was. My life flashed before my eyes. I am so happy and grateful to be here and to have a good outlook but its like 'survivors guilt' when someone passes from cancer.
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posted by Amaryllis
03 November 2013

Tamoxifen & itchiness

Last reply: 04 November 2013 12:55
I've been reading the posts about Tamoxifen - thanks as always for your great insights. I've been on it since June and apart from hot flushes every night, haven't noticed any other major side effects....except in the past week I've suddenly developed this awful vaginal itch which is driving me crazy..... Has anybody had anything similar and if so what do you do to relieve it?? Thanks Liz
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posted by therailwayman
03 November 2013

tough at the moment

Last reply: 17 November 2013 02:46
hi i am feeling it very hard living with this cancer at the moment was flying for the last year an a half but over the last month or so just seem to have hit a brick wall i dont know why because the treatment is going fairly well just wondering if anyone else felt like this during their treatment
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posted by Neadi
05 November 2013

Reconstruction options

Last reply: 06 November 2013 19:38
Hi gang!! Hope all are well! Not been on Here for a while as am back to work, and life is gaining momentum bit by bit. Just wondering a few things. Am meeting my plastic surgeon tomorrow to discuss recon options. My expander failed last Xmas and I had to remove it so am completely flat on one side. I think he's going to Reccommend the diep operation. Was anyone waiting long for that op or how long dies it take from consultation to actual operation?? Also what is the recovery time and does it really hurt? I'm enjoying having some degree of a life and fun again after the horror of chemo and not really looking forward to months away again!! Thanks again Xx
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posted by tracie33
06 November 2013

Liver GVHD post transplant - Myelofibrosis

Last reply: 19 November 2013 15:12
Hi Im wondering if anyone has experienced or is going through what I am at the moment as Im getting very down & frustrated. I am 33years old diagnosed with Myelofibrosis in March & had my bone marrow transplant. I had some GVHD which cleared & was finally discharged from St James after 2months. I then started to feel a bit weak & my skin was jaundice yellow so I knew sometthing wasnt right. Upon check up beg Oct was admitted for Liver GVHD & 1 month later Im still here. They said my Bilrubin is too high & need to wait for it to steady which so far it hasnt. Im receiving photopherisis treatment twice a week & still on lots of medication incl steriods. I cant sleep despite relaxants & sleeping tablets & I feel very low & depressed. Mainly because there seems to be very little progress & no idea how long I will be here. Its already been a month making my total 3months in hospital. Im sick of magazines dvds etc at this stage & dont know what else to do. I heard the liver is very slow repairing but just wondering if anyone else has has this GVHD & how they got on. Sorry for long explaination all new to this Thanks, T
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posted by Anncorr1981
08 November 2013

A bit worried

Last reply: 09 November 2013 21:42
I noticed where I had my lump has gotten very hard. My GP has refered me back to the breast clinic. I was there and they don't seem too concerned but have organised an ultra sound to be sure. Starting to worry now. To top that off I got a very bad dose of hives on holidays in August. They took over a month to two to clear from my legs but one did appear on my right breast and hasn't gone away. The breast surgeon didn't seem too concerned but now I am really worried about this breast now. Just wondering will I ever stop worrying?? Anyone have issues like this and it turn out to be nothing? I was also told I'm brca1 positive two weeks ago and I think paranoid is what I'm becoming. Been refered to a reconstruction clinic in January and had my first consultation with a gynae about my poor ovaries.
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posted by michele
10 November 2013

Feeling blue

Last reply: 21 February 2014 00:07
I am six months into taking tamoxifen and i am becoming soooo emotional. I think it is all just sinking in now All along I have been telling everyone I am grand but I dont feel like my old self at all. Irregular periods, bad pain in my hip which wakes me every night when I turn in bed. Things are just catching up on me. Felt like moaning. sorry
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posted by SK40
11 November 2013

What is going on

Last reply: 16 November 2013 16:07
Anyone ever experienced pain going through the nipple in left breast. Up most nights with discomfort and pain. Seeing Consultant Friday after mammagram done three weeks ago and received no results yet in Beaumont?
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