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posted by Neadi
30 November 2012

Hurdle 1

Last reply: 30 November 2012 16:48
Yay! I can now say that I am according to the surgeon : cancer free!!!! Hurdle 2 and hurdle 3 await me and I have to meet oncology in 2 weeks time. But it's a relief to finally hear that it's gone and everything else they give me is to make sure it never comes back!!!! Now if I could get rid of the drain, life would be excellent!!!!
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posted by Neadi
01 December 2012

Pain after mastectomy

Last reply: 02 December 2012 18:57
Hi there!! Just wondering if this is "normal"??? I'm two weeks post mastectomy and things according to medics are going fine. However, the numbness is wearing off, still have drain, but I keep getting pains in my arm and at the top of my "breast". I have fluid build up at the top also which they won't remove for some reason, but just wondering is this was normal? I was flying along until Thursday and just lying down is uncomfortable and a pain in the ass!!! Hmmmmm......
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posted by shirls
01 December 2012

Awful Nails

Last reply: 02 December 2012 20:08
Hi Ladies, A minor thing really but just wanted to check whether any of you ladies had problems with your hand nails after chemo. I have developed awful looking red/purpley marks on all my nails. Sort of look like a burn. They are taking up 3/4 of each nail. I was at a beauty salon today but the best advice the poor girl could give was to cover them with a dark polish ! Is there anything I can use to help get rid of these marks? Shirls
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posted by Neadi
04 December 2012


Last reply: 13 December 2012 22:03
Hi guys Reality has hit 18 days post surgery. Pain is subsiding and for everyone else the cancer is gone and life is returning to normal........ No way!!! I suppose now surgery is out of the way the next hurdle is looming bright and scary on the horizon and I'm not looking forward to it one little iota! (so so terrified of the chemo that I'm now waking up in the middle of the night worrying about it.) Also you gals who have been there, how on earth do you fill the days??? If the cancer doesn't nobble me, the sheer boredom will!! I feel so isolated from my friends up in Dublin and all I want to do us get up and go to work....(god I NEVER thought I'd be typing that!!) Time on my hands is just giving me far too much time to think- think of scary chemo, think of the life I so desperately want back again, think of the horrible drain i STILL have attached to ne (i must hold the record fir the longest drain hold!!)think will I ever be completely cured of this horrible disease???? Sorry for moaning guys.....but today I really think I'm going to go off my head if I have to look at another soap, magazine, dr Phil, sky news showing the same stuff over and over again. I go out for walks, I phone friends but I just long for the carefree independent carefree pre cancer life I once had - that all my friends just sucks. Bad day I guess
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posted by Fighter
10 December 2012

Tamoxifen and periods

Last reply: 24 December 2012 08:46
I've been on Tamoxifen since August. I am still getting regular periods but despite the oncologist telling me that my periods should diminish over time the opposite is happening. They are really heavy and I was totally wiped out this weekend because of it. Anyone else experiencing this? I'm 47.
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posted by kate145
11 December 2012

New member

Last reply: 19 December 2012 17:11
Don't know who is out there but hi anyway. Everyone seems to be able to remember specific dates but my brain is a blank. Let me think had my appendix out Octoberish and one week later found lump and of course it ended up being cancer. Invasive lobular. Had mastectomy 2 weeks ago survived the showering with a drain on.... had to tie an old piece of rope round the waist to hang it onto. Im now awaiting the final biopsy results on thursday. Cross fingers. This is all very inconvenient, not that cancer is ever convenient since my eldest daughter is getting married in South Africa on 28th December. Have spent most of the year trying to get my body in trim so I look like a sexy mother of the bride and now Im one boob down. Sigh.... Just praying and hoping results of nodes are good so I dont have to go for another op.
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posted by milkymoo24
12 December 2012

My dad just been given 4 weeks to live...

Last reply: 17 January 2013 06:50
Hope I can get some advice here My dad just been given 4 weeks to live.. Was battling stage 4 rectum tumour the past 8 months. Took a turn for the worst about 6 weeks ago... After fighting well and having had some positive signs for results from chemo. We found out this morning that its spread regardless, and after thinking we had maybe 2 years or so, we were hit with bombshell that he had a month. I don't know how I am going to keep strong in the meantime. It's news we hoped we wouldn't see for a while. He was started on a new chemo, after having great results on original one, and the new one obviously did nothing. Now his time being cut too short. What do I do, how can I act, how can I try hold back te tears when around? I've never dealt with cancer before and every day I can see my daddy fade away before my eyes. He was once a handsome, happy man full of life. This time last year we hadn't a care in the world. I dunno how to cope with all this and be supportive at d same time
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posted by Ania
12 December 2012


Last reply: 20 December 2012 02:01
Hi girls, I had my double mastectomy last Thursday week and had all the nodes out under my left arm. I was just wondering because my surgeon had always said that he would use the scar on my breast to remove the nodes through, but in the end he went in under my arm so now I have three scars. Is this the norm or do some ppl get away with just the two breast scars? Any input appreciated. Ania
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posted by Amaryllis
13 December 2012

Another new member

Last reply: 14 December 2012 17:56
Hi girls, I'm another new member though have been reading this board for a few days - was delighted to come across it! I was diagnosed on Sept 28th with two different tumours in my right breast - invasive lobular and invasive ductal - and there was a third tumour on my first lymph node too. Had my mastectomy on Oct 24th & had my first chemo this Monday.....Feel okay so far ... am waiting for the side effects to kick in in earnest next week..... What I'm really scared about is losing my hair.....I'm going to get my wig fitted next Monday so will have my head shaved at the same time....I picked a wig that looks good - but still looks unnaturally shiny to me..... Anyway look forward to catching up & hearing your stories too L
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posted by Neadi
13 December 2012

TAC chemo

Last reply: 19 December 2012 16:56
Hi gang! Once again asking for experiences....I met the oncologist today. Shes very very nice and says it how it is - even if I didn't really like what I was hearing...... I have to have six rounds of a regime called TAC. Has anyone haf any experience of this and what am I in for..... I can't use the cold cap because of the A in the combo. Has anyone tried TAC with the cold cap with success?? Any good places I can get a wig that doesn't look like a wig?? I'm slowly beginning to accept this, but it's not easy.....
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