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posted by Gtlheart
11 July 2012

Out of the Blue

Last reply: 26 August 2012 10:56
Hi, I am also new to all this. I am 50 and had a mammogram on 13 Jan 2012 , which was normal, then on 18th May I had a mammogram from work. (they offer free mammogram when you reach 40 )Should not have had one but something made me go.this mammogram showed up something.Had to have ultrasound and biopsy on 12th June in the CUH breast cancer unit, (they all are the nicest Dr. and nurses I have ever met) and the result was cancer. I am so so lucky they found it early, it is early, stage 1, grade 2. Had lumpectomy and lymph nodes 5 removed last Mon 9th July.Waiting for results on 20th July. It is the waiting that gets to me. Have great support from my husband, children and family. Feel very very lucky but also scared, Radiotherapy and hormone treatment definite, the rest ? till results. Either I am a very calm and strong person or it has not really sank in yet cos I have not cried but feel good and very positive even if very very scared.Would like to hear from others with early breast cancer , what was their treatment and outcome. Thinking of you all G xx
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posted by Resa
13 July 2012

Re incision and shoulder pain

Last reply: 19 July 2012 09:47
Had a lumpectomy and complete lymph node clearance under right arm. Had chemo first and was told tumour shrank to nothing. Came home with drain and got an infection. It's over three weeks in and very sore and I have terrible pain in my right shoulder blade. I am eating pain killers. I get drain out tomorrow amen but have to find out what this unbearable shoulder blade pain is. Has anyone else experienced this. On 24 July I have to have A reincision done as margins are not clear? This scares me as if this does not work I will have to have a masactemy. Wish me luck.
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posted by Madge1
16 July 2012

Lymphoedema symptoms

Last reply: 17 July 2012 09:38
Hi Have pain and slight swelling in my hand starting between my thumb and index finger for a couple of days. Pain is now starting to travel up my arm now. I have not injured it in any way there is no cuts or anything on my arm. Am wondering is this sign of lymphoedema or am I just being paranoid. Also planning on flying next week are there any precautions I should make for flight? Would appreciate any advise. Thanks Madge x
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posted by blaked113
17 July 2012

found lump - what next?

Last reply: 18 July 2012 09:17
[i]Was[/i] watching a programme 'embarrassing illnesses' and there was a bit bout checking yourself. So did that Sunday. Found a small pea size hard ish lump attached to the sort of testicle. Ok, slightly worried...I know the first thing to do is go to gp...but thankfully haven't been to doctor in over two years. And I know the doc is just going to refer me on to someone else. So is it possible to just go straight to someone else and avoid gp? Just seems pointless paying the money when they can't do anything!
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posted by Josephine
18 July 2012

First chemo-nausea-ideas?

Last reply: 22 July 2012 22:47
So I had the first AC chemo today. Very stressed going in. I tried drinking loads of water but I was in such a knot that I must have shrivelled my veins cos couldn't get one! Had to go for crook of my arm which is apparently not best choice. It all went fine but have been feeling a lot of nausea since I got home. Took the tablets but still feel seasick. Ate crackers but still feel same. Any ideas?
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posted by Gtlheart
19 July 2012

Silly Questions

Last reply: 21 July 2012 22:54
Hi , I had a lumpectomy and 5 lymph nodes removed on 9th July. My questions are : when can you begin to shave your underarm, and should you use an electric or regular razor. Also when can you start to use deodorant and talc. Is it better to use deodorant spray or a roll on. I know these questions seem silly , but as a newbie to breast cancer I just don't know the answers. Would be greatful for replies.Thanks G
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posted by wilmaone
20 July 2012

lost once again!!!!!

Last reply: 02 August 2012 09:26
Here i am 11 weeks post surgery,3 months post chemo and the realisation that i had breast cancer has hit me!!!!even writeing this and looking at the words,i cant quite take it in.Everything happened so fast after diagnoses that i dont think i ever allowed myself to take in what was happening. I spent most of my time worrying about my husband kids and family and their reactions than myself.Then all thru chemo felt so guilty that i had this and was inconviencing everybodies lives and taking up their time.Then once i finished chemo it was into surgery which im still recovering from slowly.My son made his communion in may main thing that got me through chemo and i turned 40 in june. I think having those 2 events to focus on helped at the time along with the positive head.Unfortuneatly i have too much time to think now and although i know i have been lucky in many ways i just cant help but feel cheated and angry.I dont know who i am anymore i only know that who i was is gone and she went the day i was diagnosed!!! Please tell me this is normal feeling.I know that i can ring the breast care nurse but to be honest since all the main fun ended i felt cast off i cant even get app with oncologist(who i have only met once pre chemo) xxxx
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posted by Josephine
21 July 2012

Curly hair wig- where to get?

Last reply: 25 July 2012 16:52
Hi all I have a mop of brown tight spirally curly hair and it's turning out difficult to find anything like it. Ive already started the chemo so maybe only a week left with own hair! Has anyone seen anything like I'm describing anywhere.? Thanks J
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posted by Gtlheart
22 July 2012

My mind in a Whirl

Last reply: 26 July 2012 13:57
Hi, my mind in in a whirl, every thing happened so fast. Still trying to crasp it all. 18th May mammograms, recall 24th May, ultrasound and biopsy 12th June, results 26 th June, invasive ducal carcinoma, grade 2 stage 1, er and pr positive.9th July lumpectomy and 5 lymph nodes removed, results 20 th July. They were able to remove all of the cancer and the margins were negative also lymph glands negative. They were delighted to tell me I no longer have breast cancer.I am to have hormone treatment , (chemo ? Will know next Friday )and radiotherapy, to prevent the cancer returning. I am so lucky it was caught so early. My mind is all over the place, don't think my mind fully understood that I had cancer. Feel delighted it is gone but feel guilty that I am so lucky. The nurse said it will hit me all of a sudden as the mind and body has been through so much so fast. I know I still have a tough road ahead but my mind is more at peace. Has anyone else been through such a whirlwind experience. Would love to hear . Wishing all my friends here the best of luck. Thinking of you all. G xxx
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posted by Gtlheart
22 July 2012

My mind in a Whirl

Last reply: 23 July 2012 17:56
Hi my mind in such a whirl even sent this first to the wrong topic, sent to treatments instead of breast cancer. Every thing happened so fast mammograme, 18th May 2012, call back 24th May, ultrasound and biopsy 12th June results 26th June, invasive ductal cancer, stage 1, grade 2, lumpectomy and 5 lymph node removed on 9th July. Got the results on 20th July. Invasive ductal, stage 1 grade 2, margins and lymph nodes negative, er and pr positive. They were able to REMOVE ALL OF THE CANCER. I am so lucky. The treatments wil be hormone and radiotherapy, ( will know Friday if chemo needed, but they don't think so) all to prevent the cancer returning. I know I still have a long road ahead but it feels lighter with the past results.I feel so mixed up, delighted the cancer is gone but also guilty cos I am the lucky one. The nurse said it will all hit me one of these days as my mind and body had so much to go through so quickly. From getting the news that I have cancer to getting the news the cancer has been removed 3 weeks and 3 days. What a whirlwind. Would love to hear from anyone who also got the cancer removed and had treatments, Thinking of you all. Ps I still have one hairless underarm and one hairy one, on stronger painkillers and antibiotis now as also got an infection. Love G xx
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