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posted by Cancer Nurse
27 May 2021

Living Well With and Beyond Cancer Conference 2021

Our free annual patient conference is taking place online next Wednesday, 2 June and Thursday, 3 June. A range of speakers will share their experiences, stories and expert knowledge on living well after a cancer diagnosis through a mix of virtual presentations, interactive workshops and Q&A sessions. The last year has been difficult for people affected by cancer and the uncertainty and isolation continues for many. We would encourage cancer patients, survivors and those that care for them to join us for this unique online event, all from the comfort of your own home. We will look at topics like self-care, healthy eating, exercise as well as advances in cancer treatment. We will also have a virtual exhibition area where you can view information and interact with a range of educational and practical exhibitors and cancer support services. Information about and registration for the conference can be found here.
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posted by Cancer Nurse
27 May 2021

Living Well With and Beyond Cancer Conference 2021

Our free annual patient conference is taking place online next Wednesday, 2 June and Thursday, 3 June. A range of speakers will share their experiences, stories and expert knowledge on living well after a cancer diagnosis through a mix of virtual presentations, interactive workshops and Q&A sessions. The last year has been difficult for people affected by cancer and the uncertainty and isolation continues for many. We would encourage cancer patients, survivors and those that care for them to join us for this unique online event, all from the comfort of your own home. We will look at topics like self-care, healthy eating, exercise as well as advances in cancer treatment. We will also have a virtual exhibition area where you can view information and interact with a range of educational and practical exhibitors and cancer support services. Information about and registration for the conference can be found here.
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posted by km2013
24 May 2021


Last reply: 27 May 2021 15:42
Hi, I had a biopsy 10 days ago. I’m due back for results this coming Friday. I’m completely freaking out. My breast is very tender after the biopsy and last night I had blood from my nipple. It’s the longest two weeks of my life.
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posted by Mul1974
25 May 2021

Grade 4 Astrocytoma

Last reply: 26 May 2021 17:00
Hi my wife (51) was diagnosed only last week looking for what lies ahead for me and my wife ?
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posted by burnt out
25 May 2021

at a loss

Last reply: 26 May 2021 16:59
I’m at a loss here so im reaching out to you to see what we can do. My mother had a radical cystectomy over a year ago and the cancer has come back. She is being treated in one of the Dublin hospitals. The regrowth had been missed on a scan but bleeding continued and was eventually found. Last week they brought her up and got her ready for a radium treatment plan. She got an ok to leave the hospital on Friday, tattoos in place, all ready to start treatment on Tuesday. They were to call her back. It was getting late this evening (the Tuesday her treatment was suppose to start) so she called to see what was happening as we don’t live in Dublin and she had been sitting there with bags packed waiting for a call for two days. The secretary she spoke to gave her a new diagnosis and treatment plan and schedule over the phone. Highly irregular and highly upsetting for her. She is approaching 80 years of age and is as timid as you can imagine. The call with the secretary ended leaving her felling a bit lost and very upset. A few minutes later, just as she was coming to terms with all this, the Dr of radiation Oncology called her. She thought this would be to clear thing up. When she answered the phone he attacked her. How dare she be so ungrateful to bother the staff. After all they had done for her. If she didn’t like it she could go find some other hospital to do her treatment. She is absolutely destroyed at this point. Im speechless. We are going to try to move hospitals but feel we will just delay treatment further. I cant believe how he treated her. Completely inhumane, so much so one the other staff overheard the attack he leveled at her and contacted my mother a few moments later to see if she was ok and offered her apology and tried to answer anything she could. So now we are left we no idea what is happening and my mother has suffered a degrading personal attack by the person entrusted with treating her. I’m angry as hell with him but more than that I’m am devastated for my mother who goes to bed tonight demeaned, belittled and with no idea what tomorrow will bring regarding her treatment. What the hell do we do in this situation.
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posted by Flowers
21 May 2021

Capsular Contractor of Breast Implant and Breast Implant Illness.

Hi, am wondering if there is anyone in a similar situation that suffers with Capsular Contractor from a Breast Implant and also anyone that may have had a Breast Implant removed completely and not replaced? Barbara.
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posted by myusernameisdaria
11 May 2021

Mole removal results

Last reply: 21 May 2021 10:33
Hi, I had a mole removal on April 8th, 2021. It was my 2nd mole removal procedure, first one was done two years ago, and I was doing it in a different country. Wanted to ask about getting results in Ireland... I have called my GP and they still haven't received my results. Called the dermatologist today, and they have said the results were already sent, however, they will send it once again to my GP. I am under stress a bit... Could you please tell me from your experience how GP is calling out the results for the following procedure? Do they tell you if it's all good over the phone or there will be an appointment anyway, no matter the result? I have been referred for the mole removal around the end of March, since then around 20 new moles appeared so I am going crazy a bit waiting on that result... Thank you for your support in advance. Regards, Daria
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posted by Cheshire
11 May 2021

Finishing Tamoxofen

Last reply: 21 May 2021 10:32
Hi everyone. I completed 10 years of Tamoxifen in November 2020. My periods had stopped in March 2020 and had been irregular for the past 3 years with breaks between periods of up to 3 months sometimes. They originally had stopped during chemo but returned after I finished treatment and I always had periods whilst on tamoxifen and the oncologist wasn't worried. My oncologist had told me I was in Menopause when they had stopped altogether and was surprised I lasted so long without entering menopause as I was 36 on diagnosis. I finished with my oncologist in November after 11 years. But in December my periods returned and are regular every month since. I am just wondering if my breast cancer was Oestrogen positive and I have no tamoxifen to help with levels is it dangerous to have periods. I had a left side mastectomy but still have my right breast. Would love some advice as I cannot call my oncologist anymore.
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posted by jane456
15 May 2021

No lump in breast

Last reply: 20 May 2021 21:52
Hi I'm currently waiting biopsy results. I had a dull pain in my left breast and went the doctor. There was no lump but he sent me for mammogram to be cautious. The mammogram showed something they think might be a radial scar but ultrasound was clear. The doctor said she is nearly sure it's the radial scar but I needed a biopsy to check. I'm up the walls now waiting for results. Do they tell you that they think it's ok just so you don't worry or would they tell you it's serious. I'm so worried about results.
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posted by Fifil
18 May 2021

Breast lump

Last reply: 18 May 2021 17:16
Hi, I've been referred to a breast clinic after finding a couple of lumps. The GP think they are 2 different types of cysts. The whole area is now quite painful with the pain going up into my arm pit. Has anyone experienced this before? Don't know when I'll have appointment due to the cyber attack Thanks F
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