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posted by samantha
17 March 2020

Lump on breast

Last reply: 22 July 2020 19:23
Hi I’m wondering can anybody give some advice, I found a lump on my breast 4 weeks ago. Went to my doctor straight away she said she was referring me to st James and marking it as urgent and I would been seen in 2weeks, a week and a half went by and I heard nothing so I ring the doctor back turns out she didn’t send the referral and only sent it 2 weeks ago, I rang James hospital and they said it will be 8 weeks before I’m seen I forgot to mention I’m a brca 1 gene carrier this seems to make no difference I explained to the receptionist in st James my case but she didn’t seem to bothered, now I’m panicking that I won’t be seen at all with all the corna virus and not been allowed into hospitals, I’m going out of my mind with worry, any advice would be greatly appreciated
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posted by finno99
24 March 2020

breast lump

Last reply: 22 July 2020 19:20
Hi I found a small lump in my right breast which my GP found straight away and gave me an urgent referral for the Mater Hospital, this was on the 12th March, i rang the breast clinic in the Mater Hospital and was told due to the ongoing Corona Virus all appointments have been paused for the time being and that referrals are being looked at. This is a very worrying time for everyone and I completely understand that resources are needed to help with the Corona Virus but does this mean all other urgent medical appointments and screenings such as breast lumps are not being done at the moment. Honestly going out of my mind worrying and the wait is awful, thank you.
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posted by cove1951
03 June 2020

Cancer Diagnosis over the phone during covid

Last reply: 22 July 2020 18:11
I just wondering if anyone has had a diagnosis presented to them over the phone due to the covid crisis. I am a cancer survivor who had a scan recently due to onset symptoms and was due to see my oncologist this coming Friday for the results. I received a call today to say my oncologist will be calling me by phone due to covid.
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posted by Rebelchick
08 July 2020

Renal Cancer

Last reply: 21 July 2020 12:55
Just wondering is any one currently going through oral chemo for renal therapy. This is my second time round on sutinent (sinutab) - the side effects are very different from the last time round - just wondering are others going though the same journey .
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posted by ladybird
19 July 2020

Can I drive after lumpectomy

Last reply: 21 July 2020 12:54
I had lumpectomy reading different comments are staying u can’t drive for a couple of weeks. Doctors or nurses did not mention it.
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posted by Annette
17 July 2020

Helping my dad

Last reply: 21 July 2020 08:04
Hi there, my dad has been told that the cancer has spread to other places and is not curable. He is losing weight rapidly and losing interest in most things. I'm just looking for advice on what I can do to help make his days bearable. Some days he stays in bed and I'm trying to find ways to show him we care and bring some enjoyment to his day. New to this so open to all suggestions. Thank you
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posted by ladybird
15 July 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 16 July 2020 02:43
I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Size 1.5 cm Her2 negative. I am having lumpectomy tomorrow and lymph node biopsy. Will they know tomorrow if all margin are clear. When will they decide treatment plan
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posted by shanec02
11 July 2020

Lymphoma Survival Rates

Last reply: 15 July 2020 16:16
Id like some information on the survival rates of Lymphoma,as I have a lump/swelling under my right ear and a ball under my chin about 2-3cm,Any advice or anything to ease the mind.
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posted by aoibh92
07 July 2020

Breast lump and worried about what my insurance covers

Last reply: 13 July 2020 17:40
Hi, I am 27 and noticed a small lump in my breast in May. On the 17th of June I saw my GP as the lump had grown. She referred me to the Breast Clinic and marked my referral as urgent and said that I should be seen within 2 weeks usually, but it may take a little longer with Covid etc. I rang the clinic last week, 2 weeks after having been referred, as I still had no appointment and they weren't able to tell me when I would get one. I am worried about this lump so I rang the GP again and asked if she could refer me privately, which she did on the 2nd of July. I now have an appointment for the 15th of July privately and still have no public appointment. I am trying to figure out the following: - If I attend the consultant privately does that mean that if I require further treatment after the initial visit it would all be done privately? - If so how do I go about figuring out what my insurance would cover or not? Any advice very much appreciated, Aoibh
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posted by natcerv
01 July 2020

Cervical biopsy

Last reply: 13 July 2020 02:36
Hi, I’m not sure if it’s selfish of me to use this site as I have not been diagnosed with cancer. I am just having a lot of trouble getting any answers and I hoped perhaps someone here could help me. I had been experiencing bad back pain almost like the beginning of labour pain for a few months and have had one instance of irregular mid cycle bleeding. In Jan of this year I went to the doctor who, due to my family history referred me to get a abdominal scan which came back clear. I had had a smear in April 2018 which came back negative HPV and negative abnormal cells but due to my symptoms the doctor wanted to look at my cervix and when she looked she said it was red and inflamed so she referred me for a colposcopy. I went for the appointment last Thursday and expected them to say everything was fine but instead said that there was HPV present on my cervix despite the negative result and then they took a biopsy. I am beyond scared as I don’t know why I would have a negative result but actually have HPV and would that mean that it was missed and could be progressing for years? I appreciate any replies. Thank you so much.
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