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posted by Samsung130
15 April 2020

Tamoxifen Worries

Last reply: 23 April 2020 18:53
Hello There. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in January. Had a mastectomy in March. Now I've to start Hormone Therapy. Tamoxifen and an injection every month. I have come away from my appt with Oncology with worries n doubts. I have not read 1 good thing about Tamoxifen.. it just seems to be torture. I'm very reluctant to even go get the prescription.. Why are Oncologists prescribing it, when the feedback is so awful? I'm 33. Due to get married this year and just cant cope with the thought of this. It's already causing me major stress, anxiety and I have not even started it.
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posted by ICS Nurse Aileen
20 April 2020

Look Good Feel Better Virtual Workshops

  Look Good Feel Better is a charity that helps boost the physical and emotional wellbeing of women undergoing cancer treatment. Their dedicated team of volunteer make-up artists run workshops across Ireland where women undergoing treatment are invited to attend. During COVID-19 many cancer treatments continue and like all of us in these uncertain times they have found new ways of providing their workshops. Their virtual workshops and informative tutorials will help you with some of the issues you may be experiencing as well as giving you the opportunity to connect with others. To sign up for a ‘virtual make over’ visit their website:
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posted by mairead33
01 April 2019

Ileostomy reversal

Last reply: 16 April 2020 16:31
I am presently recovering from rectal cancer surgery December 2017 and had an ileostomy reversal in April 2018. As my bowel motions are still quite erratic I would like to connect with others who have had an ileostomy reversal experience to ascertain perhaps how long it took for the bowel motions to settle or what their experience has been. Thank you.
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posted by pet
13 April 2020

Help please 😢

Last reply: 16 April 2020 14:09
How do I tell our babies terminal cancer has been diagnosed. Can't get our own heads around it, what do we do , in shock and heartbroken.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
06 March 2018

Tell your bowel cancer story

Last reply: 16 April 2020 11:40
If you or someone in your life has been affected by bowel cancer and are interested in sharing your story, consider becoming a media volunteer with the Irish Cancer Society. Sharing your story can help to raise cancer awareness, inform people about our services, appeal for volunteers, and bring reassurance to cancer patients and their families. After you express an interest in becoming a media volunteer, we would discuss with you how best to share your story, getting your permission before publishing or broadcasting.
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posted by ICS Nurse Aileen
09 April 2020

Hi from the Cancer Nurseline Nurses

Last reply: 14 April 2020 16:10
Hi Everyone We are the nurses who work on Cancer Nurseline. We answer direct enquiries from the public about cancer through Cancer Nurseline and our email service. We look forward to answering your questions in the Ask The Cancer Nurses topic area of the Online Community.  We all have quite a bit of cancer nursing experience behind us and we enjoy our work here at the Irish Cancer Society. If you have a question for us you can call us on freephone 1800 200 700 or ask it here. We are open Monday - Thursday 9am-8pm and Friday - Sunday 9am-5pm. We look forward to hearing from you! 
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posted by Gercar
08 April 2020

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 13 April 2020 10:18
Hi Everybody, I hope you are all keeping well at this difficult time. I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage 1, HR Positive and Her2 Neg last week. The multidisciplinary team have decided that the best treatment for me at the moment due to Covid 19 is hormone therapy for 3 months followed by surgery and radiotherapy. I am concerned as I know that the surgery is normally done first in this diagnosis but it is too risky at the moment. I also will not start the therapy for 2-3 weeks and I am wondering two things, (1) Is the 2-3 week wait normal and (2) Has anybody else had the hormone treatment first and what was the outcome.
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posted by Cathyhyn
17 February 2020


Last reply: 13 April 2020 02:40
Is anyone using this
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posted by shaz
07 April 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 11 April 2020 13:24
Hi folks hope you are all having a good day and keeping well. I've just come from my hospital appointment. I got the dressing changed and healing well but the drains remain in for another week. I recieved my treatment plan. I have to start Chemo in 3 week for 6 months followed by 6 weeks of radiothearphy. I'm trying to get my head around all of this imformation. I have to meet the Chemo team Wed in prep for Chemo. Just hope I have the strenght to fight this. Hugs Sha x
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posted by Miriam
05 April 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 09 April 2020 16:15
Hello, my mother was just diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. She is starting hormonal therapy tomorrow. Any advice on how I can help ease her worries and anxieties and my own!? Is there anything I can tell her to prepare for possible side effects? Thanks in advance. It’s a worrying time
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Irish Cancer Society Head office, 43/45 Northumberland Road Dublin, D04 VX65; Charity Regulatory Authority No. 20009502; Revenue Number CHY5863; Company Number 20868.