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posted by Irish Cancer Society
10 May 2018

Share your skin cancer story

If you've been affected by a skin cancer diagnosis in your life and are interested in sharing your story to help raise awareness and save lives, we'd like to hear from you.A major part of our work at the Irish Cancer Society is to educate people on cancer prevention, risk factors for developing cancer, signs and symptoms of cancer and the importance of early detection. Hearing from people who have been through a cancer journey will help us to do that.To learn more or share your story, please visit
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posted by Deco180
01 May 2018

TURP Surgery

Last reply: 08 May 2018 12:55
I don’t have cancer, I hope, so forgive me for intruding on your support group. I had TURP surgery (removal of some prostate tissue) six days ago, because of an enlarged prostate which was causing me weak urine stream and frequency (every 20 mins) Now after the surgery, I still have frequency, even worse at times and weak stream though hard to tell, as I am holding back going full force due to the burning pain when I urinate. My Consultant seems rather dismissive of my concerns telling me that things will settle down within a few days to a few weeks and that sometimes the surgery just does not work. I am seriously anxious and I suppose am just looking for a little reassurance that what I am going through after the surgery is fairly normal and usually does resolve itself in time. So if anyone who has gone through this procedure can give me advice, it would be great Declan
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posted by Realtin
08 April 2018

Her 2, treatment

Last reply: 02 May 2018 21:59
Trying to find correct thread. I was diagnosed with her2 positive. Had lumpectomy and node removal. Thank God margins clear, bloods good etc. Because it was an aggressive receptor that caused issue, chemotherapy x 6 + herceptin was recommended. Am 3 in, looking for discussion forums for those in similar circumstances..
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posted by chelsea
08 April 2018


Last reply: 10 April 2018 16:36
I have a lump in each breast and was sent for a mammogram last Friday to mater in dublin I was examined and then send for a mammogram and then was told I could go home that the Dr would be in contact when he looks at the scans taken which could take 2 weeks to get results is this the normal procedure. I am just turned 48 thanks
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posted by cherry81
09 April 2018

Biopsy Results

Last reply: 10 April 2018 13:48
I went to my GP about 7 weeks ago as I had a tenderness in my left breast. He didnt think there was anything to worry about but sent me to a breast specalist to check just in case. I met this Dr who said my physical exam on both breasts was normal but he referred me for a mammogram (my first) as theres a family history (my grandmother) Anyway mammogram showed 1.2cm lesion on my right breast.This was confirmed by ultrasoud and i had biospies taken.This was 12 days ago and i`m still waiting for results. Just wondering if this wait time is normal. Thanks
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posted by Whoopseydaisy
03 April 2018

Breast and underarm pain

Last reply: 06 April 2018 23:39
I have been having sharp breast pain for the past 2 months. The pain has now spread to my underarm and into my back, between my shoulder blades. I went to my GP over 3 weeks ago and she sent a referral for a mammagram but I haven't heard anything back. GP examined and couldn't find any lumps. I have rang private breast clinics to see how much it would be to see a consultant and have a mammagram. Unfortunately it's too expensive for me at the moment. My pain is getting worse and it's affecting my sleep. I'm waking up several times with the pain. If I presented myself to an A&E department would they do anything for me? Would they preform a mammagram or ultrasound? Thank you.
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posted by Graemec95
05 March 2018

Ewing Sarcoma

Last reply: 26 March 2018 16:18
My name is Graeme and I’m 22 living in cork. I’ve recently been diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma on the 4th of January. I’m on my 3rd cycle of chemotherapy alternating between VDC and IE. I’m going for a full body MRI scan before the week is out. Really just writing this to see if there are any people out there with the same thing I have and how they’re getting on. I’ve also created a Facebook page called “Cancer From My Perspective” as I want to give more awareness to Ewing Sarcoma as not many people know about it (including myself when I first found out I was diagnosed). It would be greatly appreciated if ye could like and share it please and thank you.
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posted by E_14
14 October 2017


Last reply: 22 March 2018 22:53
Hi, I'm new here and very frightened by what is happening to me and how it is being (not) dealt with, I have a pain in my right ovary(severe) Also now in my left ovary (not as severe), I'm exhausted and no amount of sleep seems to help, I'm constantly going to the bathroom as my bladder is now always full, I have a shooting type pain in my back passage when I try to have a BM during a period which are now quite hectic, I have lower abdominal pain and the pain in my back is actually crippling me I have had an ovarian cyst before so I am aware of how that feels, My mother had ovarian cancer and some other members of my family,also some other cancers, I have been to my GP many times over the past 6/8 weeks as the severity of what is happening is increasing rather rapidly, The only examination I have had, is a urine test to rule out pregnancy and infection (3 times) also had my stomach felt (over my clothes) Referral letter has been written and sent to consultant which I followed up only to be told I am on a waiting list and it's just over a year for an appointment, I'm not allowed to see the Dr privately as I don't have medical insurance and I can't pay for it as it would "mess up the system should I need follow up treatment" I'm not a doctor, however I do know my own body and something is very wrong and getting worse almost daily, I would appreciate any help/advice that anyone can give me, as realistically I don't think I will be around for any appointment I "a year or so" Thank you
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posted by Limerickluv
14 March 2018

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Last reply: 22 March 2018 13:53
Hi all, My 73 year old father was diagnosed with this rare aggressive type of skin cancer in Aug 2016, and has undergone surgery , 4 rounds of chemo, 6 weeks of radiotherapy last year and is undergoing 10 more sessions of radiotherapy at the moment. Just wondering if there is anyone out there with experience of this type of cancer ? I have recently found out about immunotherapy (bavencio/ avelumab) treatment for metastatic MCC and see it is being widely used in the states. Is this something that needs to be discussed with the oncologist as to my knowledge it has never been advised as a treatment option and I only discovered by fluke online.any advise greatly appreciated
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posted by Pauline Crowle…
17 March 2018

Is there anything you can do about hot flushes

Last reply: 21 March 2018 15:21
Hi recently diagnosed with overian cancer spots on stomach chest & lung had my op 3 weeks yesterday but since then im finding it very hard to cope with very bad hotflushes which started into my second chemo,since op their 100 times worst not sleeping their coming night & day
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