Ask a Nurse
posted by lovelife
29 August 2022

Breast cancer

Last reply: 30 August 2022 13:20

Had radiotherapy last April had problems breathing last week sent to A&e we’re I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis caused by radiotherapy.. I am very distressed as information doesn’t seem to be available and what I’m reading on internet is awful

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
30 August 2022

30 August 2022 13:20

Hi Lovelife,

Thank you for posting on our Ask a Nurse section. I am sorry to read that you were diagnosed with radiation induced pulmonary fibrosis. This must have been a shock for you. It is important that you speak with your team about your treatment options and what follow up you need for the pulmonary fibrosis. Treatment is often focused on managing the symptoms of the pulmonary fibrosis. Your team may refer you to a respiratory physician and physiotherapists

Lovelife, it is frightening when you get a new diagnosis. It is important that you speak with your team and understand your individual diagnosis rather than reading the experience of others on the internet. Staying fit and active and  maintaining a healthy weight can help. You should also speak with your doctor about receiving the flu and pneumonia vaccines to help reduce the risk of respiratory infections.

Lovellife, please feel free to contact one of the nurses on our Support Line at any time. Our Support Line number is 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm

Kind regards,

Cancer Nurse

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