Ask a Nurse
posted by Sweetheart06
01 December 2022

Pancreatic cancer referral time

Last reply: 10 December 2022 18:24


My mother has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She has had her scans and a biopsy was taken almost 2 weeks ago. How long will she have to wait to see the oncologist and find out about potential treatments?
Thank you



commented by Cancer Nurse
07 December 2022

07 December 2022 11:58

Dear ‘Sweetheart06’

Thank you for posting your message on our Online Community. I am very sorry to hear of your mothers diagnosis. This is an extremely anxious time for you and your mother.

I wonder could you phone our support line so we can talk to you about whether your mothers team have had a multi-disciplinary team meeting to discuss her diagnosis/ scan results and treatment options.

Our phone number is 1800 200 700. We are all cancer nurses on our Support line and we also have cancer nurses in many hospitals you can arrange to meet in person, in our Daffodil Centres.

We can discuss the treatments for pancreatic cancer and help you with questions for your mother’s oncologist if you would find this helpful.

I do hope we will hear from you. We wish your mother the very best.

Kind regards

Cancer Nurse


commented by Sweetheart06
10 December 2022

10 December 2022 13:20

Cancer nurse

We had an appointment recently but was just to inform us that the biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. Still have no idea of when we will see the oncologist and what treatment will be offered. That’s the worse part, not knowing and not able to plan. Thankfully mum is doing great, you would not think she is sick, she’s just very tired.
We will definitely be in touch after we meet our team

commented by Mire
09 December 2022

09 December 2022 13:20

Hi sorry to hear about your mam do you mind me asking how did they found out she had pancreatic cancer. I have been recently sent for testing and still waiting for a referral. Thanks

commented by Sweetheart06
10 December 2022

10 December 2022 13:29

It was by chance, she was having investigations for something else and it was picked up on a CT scan

commented by Mire
10 December 2022

10 December 2022 18:24

Thank you for your reply glad your mam is doing great. I have had some investigations myself ct and mri and endoscopy and colonscopy and still have the pain and as you said the no knowing is the worst. I don't know where else to turn to and what to do.

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