Ask a Nurse
posted by Beechfield34
24 June 2024

Preventative ovary and tube removal

Last reply: 01 July 2024 16:56

I finished treatment for TNBC 3 years ago. My mam passed from ovarian cancer at 53. No genetic link . Last Friday I got my ovaries removed along with my fallopian tubes . I’m regretting it now as it’s Monday night and I am in awful pain. All my abdomen is sore. The scars are sore. I’m bloated. I feel like I am in labour . Feeling really down about it at the minute . Wondering if it was worth getting done. I feel I haven’t had a break from treatments / hospitals .



commented by Jenni53
25 June 2024

25 June 2024 13:01

Hi Beechfield34

Sorry to hear that you are struggling after surgery with pain and that you are feeling down. I hope you feel better soon.

Best wishes

commented by Beechfield34
26 June 2024

26 June 2024 03:50

Thank you. I had a rough few days . Things can only get better for me now

commented by Cancer Nurse
01 July 2024

01 July 2024 16:56

Dear Beechfield34,

Thank you for posting your story.  I’m very sorry to read all you have been through and my sincere condolences on the loss of your mam from ovarian cancer, you have been through so much over the years.

Bloating is common after abdominal surgery and can be quite unpleasant.  I hope that your symptoms have improved since posting however if you are still in pain and bloated it might be worthwhile to check in with the surgical team for advice.

Please do phone us on the support line on 1800 200 700 and we can have a chat about what is happening and supports that may be helpful.

Kind regards

Cancer Nurse

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