Breast cancer
posted by Catherine1964
16 October 2013

Breathlessness and RT

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

I have finished RT just over a week ago, and in the last three weeks or so I have found myself occasionally from episodes of shortness of breath. They don't tend to last more than an hour or so, and are not related to exertion (I have continued with relatively intensive exercise routine, though less intensive than usual towards the end and todate).
The RT oncologist can hear "asymetric" breathing, but the chest xray I had two weeks ago or so showed nothing worrying.

Anyone had this experience?

Catherine (suffering one at this very moment, in the middle of a work meeting Image removed. )...



commented by LindyLu
18 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Catherine, did you have chemo as part of you treatment? Some chemo, particularly AC can, in very rare instances cause heart related issues. suggest you book an apt with you oncologist and explain what has been happening. Maybe chart the episodes in a journal so you can give detailed account.

Hopefully it is nothing Image removed.

commented by Catherine1964
20 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thanks for your response Lindy. I have been lucky not to need chemo after surgery last June, and have finished 20 sessions of r.t. nearly two weeks ago. I have made an appt with the radiation oncologist for Tues first thing, as the episodes of breathlessness persist. The Nurse suggested I go to A&E if I didn't feel well before then, but I'd want to be far more desperate than I am to do that!
That said, had one yesterday which left me nearly faint, and a slightly less severe on an hour ago, roughly same time as yesterday's.
Your suggestion to take detailed notes is excellent, and taken on board. Image removed.
Right now, feeling a mixture of comfy and relaxed vegging out on the sofa with the tablet, and guilty because there is a mountain of ironing to do....
Hope all feel good today!

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