Breast cancer
posted by encee
16 June 2011

Chemo brain queries

Last reply: 18 June 2011 09:07

When I was reading side-effects of chemotherapy, one I read with bemusement was "chemo-brain", thinking to myself I'm like that at the best of times without chemotheraphy Image removed.

The smile is on the other side of my face today I can tell you. I feel as if I have had half my brain removed; my concentration levels are so bad that this morning I was driving and hit a kerb & burst my tyre. Then I was walking down town after doing the job on my wheel when I felt like I was going lobsided and had to sit down for a minute. My bones feel like as if weights have been strapped to my legs and I feel like as if I have ear-muffs on, because everything sounds so woolly. Worst of all, I have absolutely no energy.... it's like all picture and no sound with me.

I got AC chemotherapy on Wednesday 8th June; I got a cold at the beginning of this week which had me in such bad form, (and to be fair to myself, I'm not a grumpy person), so maybe some of the symptoms are associated with that but would love to hear what ye think guys.

I have one more AC to go next week before I start on 12 x Taxol so maybe this is just going to be the week where Elvis left the building or is it going to stay like this until chemotherapy finished?

As for how long it took me to write this e-mail..... laughable!!! Image removed.



commented by sunflower
17 June 2011

17 June 2011 21:20

Hi there,
Firstly dont be hard on yourself. I know at the begining of my treatment i was the same. My husband bought my a diary because i couldnt remember dates or anything. brfore this my brain was like a filing system Image removed. Well with 2 children etc you tend not to forget. I have talked to lots of people in the same position as us and they have the chemo brain Image removed. I make a joke of it. When I get tired it seems to get worse.
I was told that reading and doing puzzles.
hang on in there as it will improve. Good luck with the rest of your treatment.

commented by LindyLu
17 June 2011

17 June 2011 22:16

Chemo brain - I got that! Docs don't necessarily believe it exists but I can tell you that my brain went to MUSH during treatment. Nearly two years since the poison finished, I am way better, but not as sharp as I used to be Image removed.

I recall an incident early on in treatment when my then 2year old asked me the name of something he spotted in the fridge. It was green and has a hard stone inside it and is shaped a bit like a pear. I could not for the life of me tell him what it was called, the only thing I knew was that it began with A. In the end I told him it was an apricot cos that is the only word I managed to drag from my brain. I knew it was wrong. When my hubby came home from work later that day I had to ask HIM what it was called. Needless to say he thought I was loosing my marbles! It was an avocado in case you were wondering!!!

commented by encee
17 June 2011

17 June 2011 22:28

Thanks Gals
Was just posting when your note came in LindyLu so I don't know where my reply post went in Cyberspace!

I suppose I got such a shock when I hit the kerb that it made me think I shouldn't have been driving with my brain gone to mush. It certainly isn't helping my confidence, and I'm usually the first one the take the mickey out of myself about something like this.

However, I found a book in the library today called Your Brain After Chemo so I'm dying to see what it says. I was just thinking that I hope I remember what the books don't forget what the book says, or I'll have to read it again Image removed.

commented by janeymac
18 June 2011

18 June 2011 09:07

Unfortunately encee chemo brain stays long after chemo finishes but look on the positive side - you can blame anything memory lapse or malfunction on chemo brain and you will get instant sympathy Image removed. Tbh I had chemo brain long before I got any chemo but at least now I have an excuse for not remembering names, appointments, conversations....

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