Breast cancer
posted by julia
23 September 2008


Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22

Hi there
I was diagnosed with d c i s in march of this year and had a full mastectomy and immediate reconstruction done in april . When my results came back after the op I was told the the pre cancerous cells had not spread out side of the duct and the lymph was also clear. I did not need any chemo or hormone treatment I am still finding it hard to get my head around the fact that I had such a radical opertion done and thats it" go away and get on with your life" is what my surgeon told me. I still worry that maybe I should have had some chemo as an "insurance policy " especially as I have never heard of any one in simalar situation every one I meet ask me when I am stating my chemo and look shocked when I tell them I dont need it.
Any body out there with a simalar experience ?



commented by snake-lady
26 September 2008

12 October 2015 11:22

hi julia, i dont know how to help you but i know people who do. look oline for the macmillon chat forum and there are many people who should have answers for you. ive just lost my dad yesterday so i know how frightening this disease is. so please check out the site and i know you will get the answers there. love and hugs, trisha.

commented by murphyahp
14 November 2008

12 October 2015 11:22

Hi Julia,
I so understand your email. Only yesterday I was told I have DCIS. I had a steriotactic biopsy about a month ago and given the all clear. Then I was phoned out of the blue 2 weeks ago to come back they had looked again and decided I needed a deeper biopsy under general anastetic. It was such a shock thinking I was fine...I was expecting something bad at that stage but still when you hear the word....
My surgeon has given me the choice of local area or full mastectomy. He explained that if they took part away only there would have to be a margin of about I think he said 2 cm fully clear of any suspect cells. He wouldn't know for sure until it was analysed ofcourse and then I could have to go back in to have the remainder removed. He said in his opinon I would have about a 40 to 45% chance of this happening. I don't like those odds and am going for the full mastectomy. Better to get it all in one go.
I know if it turns out like you and the margins are clear I'll wonder if I've done the right thing but there is always the possibility of it returning in a year or two in the remainder of the breast anyway. I know I'd be paranoid about it constantly and if its gone I'll be happier. My friend was given the choice as well and opted for the full mastectomy. After the operation she was told she was very lucky and would have been back 2 weeks later to have the rest removed.

I have to go to the clinic on Monday to dicuss reconstruction at the same time as the mastectomy and I don't know what to do. How did you find that.
They said it's the difference between a 1 hour operation and a 5 hour operation which seems a lot but I know if I don't have it at the same time I definitely won't be going back to have later.....but then there's more to a woman than just her boobs....(not that I've a lot left.... I had a hysteroctomy last November so I'm coming back the next time as a man for sure....)

I'm sorry your feeling down about your situation but already people are saying awful things to me. I wish sometimes they would just get their facts straight or say nothing. Personally I think some people love the drama of the whole thing... bad news travels fast... My surgeon expalained and I've researched it everywhere possible I think online and chemo is not required with DCIS. If the analysis of my breast shows anyting more sinister when they do the lab work then he will discuss it further with me but if it's only DCIS then definitely no chemo. At the DCIS stage it cannot spread or move from the ducts which is comforting. I'm just praying thats all it is.

I think you should try to speak with someone who can help....I can't imagine what you've been through but I'll know exactly soon enough.

God bless

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