Breast cancer
posted by anriocht
02 May 2013

Damaged nails and chemotherapy

Last reply: 03 May 2013 13:43

Just wondering if have of you wonderful ladies suffered with damaged nails as a result of chemo and if so, did it take long for them to recover?

Mine first started to get damaged after chemo No. 4 (of Image removed. and have gotten a lot worse since. I finished chemo two weeks ago and it seems my nail growth is somewhat stunted too. My consultant and the oncology nurses say that the nails will just grow out, but there seems to be no improvement at all.

I am finding it very difficult to do anything and find it most painful when I am trying to do my daughters' hair.

Any information or tips from you girls would be most appreciated.

On the plus side, I have noticed some fluff on my head (just two weeks post chemo) so that is a positive at least.

Many thanks Image removed.



commented by WicklowLady
02 May 2013

02 May 2013 18:22

My nails didn't get too damaged, but weeks/months after I finished they got worse and kept chipping and breaking and I got cracks on my skin. 4 months down the line and things have improved. My eyebrows got worse after I finished too then about six weeks after they reappeared all in a flash. I used to eat jelly squares as someone said the gelatine in it is good for nails . Everything will come right eventually. My hair is good very very short but I love the pixie look

commented by shirls
02 May 2013

02 May 2013 20:19

Hi Anriocht,
I finished chemo in early November and my nails are stil in an awful state. They are flaky and break away and I have big white uneven tips, there a disaster so I have them constantly covered in polish. About three months ago when I was doing radiotherapy they got very sore and infected. My radiotherapy oncologist put me on antibiotics for a week. As much as I hate my "new nails" I'll put up with them, I can deal with anything as long as its not chemo again !! Wish I could say your nails will improve shortly but unfortuately 6 months on and I'm stil having problems Image removed.

Wishing you good things,


commented by wilmaone
02 May 2013

02 May 2013 22:03

Hi ladies
Hate to say it but a year on and I still have awful white tips too which get sore occasionally.Two of them are black underneath so like shirks I keep them polished and short.All else is coming on well though.Had bloods done this week as was bruising for no reason but all came back ok thankfully.ive been taken off tamoxifen for 2 weeks till I see him again as it may be the cause.

Have a nice weekend all

commented by anriocht
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 11:24

Well not the response I was hoping for Image removed.

As well as looking awful, they are so sore as well. They have lifted from the nail bed and are damaged about three quarters down the nail. Mind you, three of my fingers didn't get damaged, but the seven others have. But I guess I'll just have to be patient, keep them covered in nail polish and hopefully the soreness will disappear soon.

I agree it's a minor problem in the scale of things, anything is better than chemo!

Have a good weekend all and lets hope the weather will be kind to us (at least!)


commented by Amaryllis
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 11:31

Hi - I finshed my chemo 5 weeks ago and since then all my finger nails have become discoloured and 3 of them have broken off completely - so painting them isnt even an option - have to cover them with plasters when Im going out. Regrowth is very slow....

Funny thing is that toe nails havent been affected at all.

Amazing how cancer robs us of all the feminine aspects of us - boobs, hair & now nails......

commented by anriocht
03 May 2013

03 May 2013 13:43

Hi Amaryllis,

My toe nails have been unaffected as well.

My fingernails are pretty horrid as well, but think I could manage to cover them up for the moment with nail polish (was reluctant to try as thought it may be bad for them). Haven't lost any yet though, but they don't look healthy at all, so would not be surprised if they fell off. But I am finding trying to do everyday things so difficult.

Yes, chemo can rob of all things womanly, eyebrows, eyelashes, periods.... but we have to think that it's all for a good cause.

Have a good weekend.

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