Breast cancer
posted by michele
07 October 2013

Effects of tamoxifen or just run down?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

I have been on tamoxifen since May and I finished my radiation treatment in June. Since then I have noticed that I cannot lose one ounce of weight even though I have joined the gym and attend regularly. Is this stubborn weight gain an effect of tamoxifen? The hot flushes have been coming fast and furious in the last few weeks. I didn't have a period for 5 months then a really heavy period!!! I am all over the place. Any tips would be gratefully accepted.
Michele Image removed.Image removed.



commented by Superwhy
08 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Can't help as I am on my first month on it. I am startin to get the hot flushes already.

commented by Catherine1964
09 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Michele,
I'm 2 months on Tamoxifen, so pinch of salt, there's another 4 years and 10 months to go before I can talk with any real authority Image removed.
I am a gold WW member, and have had no more difficulty maintaining my goal weight in the last 2 months.
In my experience of weight management, exercise alone simply won't do it, portion control and food choices are equally important.
I have had no bothersome side effects on tamox thus far. One major night sweat some couple of weeks ago is all. In the first few weeks, I was getting hot ears or a hot face... but no fully fledged hot flushes.
I am slightly tired at the moment, but that's because I have just finished 4 weeks of RT (yesterday, yipeeee!!, celebrating with meal out with hubby at the w/e). I have had both period in the last 2 months, and no appreciable difference in how they feel, except much lighter cramping.
It's unclear to me whether my very good experience thus far will continue, but I operate on that basis. I take the stuff every morning with breakfast, and at week end as I go running before breakfast, I take it roughly at the same time as week days, with a banana.
So far, this works for me.
I hope your system stabilises and that your experience improves. And in all honesty, I hope mine does not disimprove!!

Good luck, and hang in there!


commented by Resolute
09 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hello Michele!

I have been on Tamoxifen now for 4 months and like Catherine I have found little difference except for the hot/cold sweats at night.. I absolutely 'burn up' and then 'freeze' numerous times each night Image removed. .. The only other thing and I'm not sure if its from Rads or Tamoxifen but completely opposite to you, I have lost about 20 pounds .. I can't lie I was delighted to lost the first 10 but now I am hoping that I don't lose any more .. On the period front I have noticed little difference as they had begun to get heavier anyway (no doubt my age Image removed. )..

Hang in there Image removed.
Resolute x

commented by michele
09 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thanks everyone for posting your experiences. I think I am a phenomenon with the different experiences. I wonder would it be better taking the tamoxifen at night as I seem to get REALLY HOT during the day when I am at work. I have an appointment for a checkup in two weeks times so I might be enlightened more. Wishing you all health and happiness. Image removed.

commented by Neadi
10 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

You are not alone! I put on a stone over treatment and am finding it so so difficult to shift- even though I'm back running and eating healthy - it's a bit of a kick after all we've been through!
My oncologist even took some time out to mention that particular difficulty at the aviva conference a few weeks ago, and said if we wanted to shift those pounds we have to be so strict with food - especially carb consumption and exercise 30 mins a day 5 times a week.
It's slow going and very frustrating, but life is for living too- I'm trying to be as healthy as I can and keep an eye onthe weight so that it doesn't go up anymore...... Gotta love tamoxifen eh????

commented by sunshine71
31 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

On tamoxifen since August and having symptoms from it alright. But I had my bloods done so I know I'm not going through the menopause even though I have many similar symptoms from the tamoxifen. I too put on lots of weight but joined sw group and have lost a stone in 5 weeks, eating as much as ever but healthy choices. Started back walking too with the help of a local cancer support centre doing a walking programme for 15 weeks. So all in all getting back to where I want to be. Hard work but possible.

commented by sunshine71
31 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

On tamoxifen since August and having symptoms from it alright. But I had my bloods done so I know I'm not going through the menopause even though I have many similar symptoms from the tamoxifen. I too put on lots of weight but joined sw group and have lost a stone in 5 weeks, eating as much as ever but healthy choices. Started back walking too with the help of a local cancer support centre doing a walking programme for 15 weeks. So all in all getting back to where I want to be. Hard work but possible.

commented by elizo
01 November 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi sunshine 71
I hope you don't mind me asking, I never got any blood test done to find out my menopausal status I am on tamoxifen a year now. Did you get test done before you started on tamoxifen. I had a mirena coil fitted (I had it removed in May) so I had no periods and have not had any since starting tamoxifen.

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