Breast cancer
posted by Elizabeth4
13 August 2010

Fear of the future

Last reply: 17 August 2010 22:31

Hello everyone. This is Elizabeth. I used to correspond but then I got depressed and stopped. I remember Hugs and Summer Breeze and Evelyn and I will catch up on all your posts now. I hope you are all well.

I had a mastectomy three weeks ago and have to have more chemo and radiotherapy and then hormone treatment. the troube is I spoke to the oncologist last week and he said I have a high chance of recurrant cancer - 40%. I am in a state of terror since and feel ill. Has anyone any tips for coping? The thought of the next few years, getting scans and waiting for results and then maybe more treatment which might not work is more than I can bear.

With best wishes to all.




commented by RoxAnn
13 August 2010

13 August 2010 19:10

Hi Elizabeth4,
I suppose the doctors have to tell us the whole truth but I think deep down this is best as we know exactly what the situation is.

.......... but, honey........ you have 60% chance of this alien being stamped out forever so get focusing the mind on that Image removed.

I was told more or less the same thing by my oncologist but because I was taking hormone tamoxofin that risk cut by half again..... are you on any ongoing hormone therapy????? Was that factored in????

so now - try and focus on that 60% - get a hold of the book called ''the secret'' by Rhonda Doyle because the positive side of ''your glass'' has a greater amount in it than the negative.
Look on the contents as being a precious rare substance........... then naturally choose the 60% outlook !!! You may say easier said than done but work on it ... think two positive thoughts about you day, every day and start increasing this until you naturally look on the bright side - they say it works Image removed.

take care and treat yourself,

commented by Elizabeth4
14 August 2010

14 August 2010 11:45

Hello RoxAnn. Good to meet you and thank you so much for your positive message. I did read that book some years ago when everyone was talking about it and it was very good. I might go into town today and see can I get a copy of it.

How are you now, yourself?

I will be shortly be starting more chemo, milder than before, and radiotherapy, and then after that I will be on hormone treatment. I think that was all factored in. I will begin right now with two positive thoughts.

Again thanks and all the best


commented by hugs
16 August 2010

16 August 2010 23:53

Hi Elizabeth, I often wonder how you are getting on. Im sorry to hear youve been having such a hard time of it.

You should go back to your oncologist, and bring a friend, someone who can listen and take notes. Have a list of questions ready.
Im pretty sure he woud be horrified if he realised how worried you are. He might be able to put your mind at rest in some way.

One of the best things (if you can call it that) about breast cancer is that once you have it they will monitor you very very closely.
If it pop its ugly ugly head up again, they will catch it early!

Have you tried councelling at all, that might help. I know Evelyn from here started, and i think is findng it some help.
I plan to go in the future, I dont think i need it yet, but its great knowing its there.

Take care of yourself xxx

commented by FH2
17 August 2010

17 August 2010 13:30

Hi Elizabeth,

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time at the moment. I wrote a very long(winded) reply to you (as usual!). So long that my account timed out and I lost it!!!

The shorter version... is that you ahve been through a lot so far (both physically and emotionally) and you are tired which is why it is so hard to even think of more treatment. But try to take it one step, one day even, at a time. This chemo should be easier than the previous type. The radiotherapy is easier than chemo. And the hormone therapy is usually 'just' one tablet a day for a few years. You have the worst parts over with. Just hang in there and soon you will be finished with all this invasion into your life.

And try to do something NICE for yourself. I found it important to remind myself that life is fun and enjoyable and not just a constand round of treatment, surgery, checkups, etc. It really lifted my spirits to do nice things like lunches out, having reflexology, etc.


PS I;m not religious but I know many people find the serenity prayer helps them.

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

commented by RoxAnn
17 August 2010

17 August 2010 22:31

Hi Elizabeth,
hope you are doing well honey - As Hugs and FH2 said already - treat yourself and maybe have another chat with your Oncologist because I'm sure he can give you re-assurance and wouldn't want you worrying like you have been.

Best of luck with the treatments -

keep the chin up - thinking of you.
You are in good hands and in a lot a better position than some unfortunate people who are walking around with BC and not knowing it yet.

Remember, you have lots of support from all the wonderful people on this site - We all understand.

take care

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