Breast cancer
posted by wilmaone
06 November 2012

Feeling miserable

Last reply: 08 November 2012 21:18

Hi ladies
Kind of feel cheeky posting considering I'm coming up to the end of treatment.but I'm so flat,confused,sad and angry!!!soo much has changed in the last year I am so apprehensive about leaving the safety net I've had hanging under me all the way through.what do I do now???who am I now?my poor kids deserve a mum that's not always tired or cranky what a childhood I'm giving them to remember!!cant talk to hubby he's on the 'your all sorted now' road can't talk to my mum as my dad not too well at mo so she's busy.sisters have enough going on to hastle them either.reslly feel like unwed to be on my own but also don't !!!i really don't like who I am now tears are streaming down my face as I realise this.its rediculous I was all held together and positive up to now why am I falling apart.




commented by deefed
06 November 2012

06 November 2012 22:53

Hey that's what we're here for!! People who can understand typing this on phone bit all over place. Your kids won't remember the tired and cranky year maybe bit more you had. They will remember how their man was cool and was superwoman and beat off the enemy.

I am only starting but already my whole life is all about cancer. I think you need a weekend away with a couple of closest girlfriends and unwind.

Your brill you came tru this another few months I won't say you'll be back to your old self you'll be an even better self.

Think your feeling low as its been so long can understand the safety net thing. Maybe it's a little confidence think like women going back to work after kids you may need to build it up

So sit down and write one hundred lines saying

I am the business, great, good looking and kick ass mam


commented by WicklowLady
06 November 2012

06 November 2012 23:33

Apparently what you are feeling is the norm. Just read a book by Cathy McCarthy called"Not the year you had planned" a friend bought it for me when I was diagnosed. It says in it that there is an anti climax when you finish everything. You are not feeling like you thought you should be but it's perfectly normal. Google a bit and see can you read something on it. You will be fine and it's just another phase. I'm halfway through six sessions of TCH going in Monday for my 4th and am dreading it, I'd swap places with you, I'd love to be finished this damn chemo it affects every part of your body. You'll be fine chin up and think positive xxxx

commented by Neadi
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 00:39

I'll chorus what the others have said- I think every emotion felt is completely normal and to be honest I think all of is is entitled to feel whatever way we want to!!!

From speaking to friends who are a few years down the road, the fear and anxiety of being finally through the tunnel that is treatment again is cOmmon. In the past six weeks ive been up at vincents towers at LEAST twice a week. I long for the finish date, but imagine letting go of the edge of the swimming pool is scary as hell.

Non cancer people expect us to be normal and cured..... Yeah???

You do and feel whatever you like, and feel safe in the knowledge that we are here to help - if we can!!!

Keep going!!!!!


commented by Dane7
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 09:17

Hey Wilmaone

Sorry you are feeling all that but sounds exactly what they were talking about at a talk I went to "the emotional effects of cancer" at the Conference in Sept. People who haven't had cancer just don't get what a life changing experience it is and the isn't it great you are having or finished your treatment remarks about sum it up ..... Reality check you've been poisoned, made bald, gained weight, lost weight, vomited for Ireland, butchered and burnt!!!! Yeah it's great!!!!!!

But you made it through! Only when it is over does the enormity of what you have been through truly hit. So hats off to you girl.

The next stage of refinding yourself and regrouping needs some help I think. Counselling can be really helpful through the psycho oncology service. When I was offered it once I heard the word psycho I immediately thought .... Psycho bitch and they think I am mad .... But I wasn't and they didn't. It could be an option to talk things out with someone trained in helping cancer patients. You will need a referral from b c nurse/team.

Hope that helps I can remember several pieces of advice you gave me over my treatment which really helped me.


commented by Fighter
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 09:40

Is there a cancer support centre anywhere in your area. I attended Solas in Waterford, got 5 sessions of reflexology and am having a few counselling sessions. It has helped me so much. I didn't have chemo, only radiotherapy so because of that people feel that I'm "fine".
Also, you are probably feeling very fatigued at this stage which would make anyone very emotional, I know it does to me, topped up with the efects of tamoxifen.

commented by wilmaone
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 19:02

Thank you all lovely ladies

Feeling a little bit better this evening,slowly pulling myself out of my slump!!
It is such a help yo be able to come on here and know that there is always someone here.

Onwards and upwards

commented by WicklowLady
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 20:37

Good for you remember we're always here and life is for living

commented by Dane7
08 November 2012

08 November 2012 14:24


Funkychick sent me on this link. No good for me as I am still on the treadmill starting more chemo next week then RT the week after but might be useful???????? ... ests/10729

The NED Retreat - Moving Beyond Cancer
Connemara Coast Hotel, Galway, 16th - 18th November 2012

All the best


commented by ceedee
08 November 2012

08 November 2012 14:36

Im with Fighter on this one My local Cancer support group have been fantastic everyone there knows exactly how you feel, and they are there to help each other the free services they provide are excellent.Just a cuppa and a chat can set you up for the day,reflexology,indian head massage are brilliant to help you relax.Be good to yourself.
[quote="wilmaone":18d1tex6]Hi ladies
Kind of feel cheeky posting considering I'm coming up to the end of treatment.but I'm so flat,confused,sad and angry!!!soo much has changed in the last year I am so apprehensive about leaving the safety net I've had hanging under me all the way through.what do I do now???who am I now?my poor kids deserve a mum that's not always tired or cranky what a childhood I'm giving them to remember!!cant talk to hubby he's on the 'your all sorted now' road can't talk to my mum as my dad not too well at mo so she's busy.sisters have enough going on to hastle them either.reslly feel like unwed to be on my own but also don't !!!i really don't like who I am now tears are streaming down my face as I realise this.its rediculous I was all held together and positive up to now why am I falling apart.


commented by wilmaone
08 November 2012

08 November 2012 21:18

Hi Dane

Thanks for that link.Unfortunately hubby away that weekend.I am going to go to ARC on south circular road next week though and see whats there.

Sorry you are back on chemo road again.How many will you have?


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