Breast cancer
posted by dee1002
23 November 2009

Fibroadenomatous disease??

Last reply: 14 December 2009 12:00

Hi there, i'm totally new here but had to sign up so get some advice. For the past week i've had a nagging type pain in the upper left side of my left breast. I went to my gp on fri and she diagnosed fibroadenomatous disease which she explained is "lumpy boobs" or cysts. She referred me to a breast specialist just to be sure and ive an appt for next monday. However, i cannot help thinking the worst and nearly have myself dead and burried. Am i being totally over the top?? I have two babies and every time i look at them i nearly burst out crying. I know she could have found something much more sinister and i should be glad and i kind of feel like a phoney typing this when there is such worse cases on here but i think i just need other people's opinions on how it all started for them. I hope you don't think im wasting time. X



commented by FH2
23 November 2009

23 November 2009 11:44

Hi Dee,

You most certainly are not wasting anyone's time by posting here. So you have no need to be apologising. You have genuine concerns so you are not a phoney and its good that you found here and are asking for support and advice.

I totally understand your worry. Especially when you are young and have two young children. I am glad your GP is being proactive and has referred you to a breast specialist to have your breast pain fully investigated. I have read sad stories of women complaining of pain or worried about a change in their breast breast but having their concerns dismissed by a GP. So it is good that yours is on the ball.

Please remember and be reassured by the fact that most people having a breast pain, or even a lump, investigated at a breast clinic turn out to have a cyst or something completely benign or harmless. Only a small percentage are ever diagnosed with breast cancer. And even if you were unfortunate enough to be in that small percentage, these days the vast majority of breast cancers are completely treatable and curable.

What day next week is your appointment in the breast clinic? They will most likely do a physical examination and then they may order a mammogram, ultrasound and/or biopsy. Please do not be too alarmed if they do order this, it is standard procedure if there is a lump or a lumpy, or thickened, area.

Anyway, good luck. Please come back and let us know how you got on.

Also, the waiting for the appointment and the waiting for a test (if you need one) and, especially, the waiting for a test result can be a stressful and difficult time. I have found it best to try to keep busy so I don't think about it too much. And I also use the excuse to spoil myself a little - meet friends for coffee or lunch, just something nice that you enjoy but also passes time and gets your mind off the 'what if' scenarios.



commented by dee1002
23 November 2009

23 November 2009 20:52

Thanks so much flo for your reply. It means so much to know there are women out there with similar concerns and worries as ive only told my husband and although he's been great, guys don't really get the whole "worry" thing. Im gonna try and stay positive this week and look on the bright side. Cheers again, i will let you know how i get on. X

commented by FH2
14 December 2009

14 December 2009 12:00

Hi Dee1002,

I haven't been online in a while. How did you get on?



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