Breast cancer
posted by Avalanche
20 September 2010

Good Dublin Gp?

Last reply: 21 September 2010 09:35

Hi All,

Hope you are doing well and that the seminar in Dublin was informative. Would have loved to go but was fortunate to get picked for casting for recovery weekend in Antrim (fly fishing retreat for breast cancer survivors) Recommend to you all to apply for a place sometime. Google casting for recovery and you will see info and application form. We had great fun and laughed so much. Brill to talk to other women with the same problems and we all caught fish inspite of our rubbish techiques.

Anyhow back to my question. I have not been on here for ages as been feeling rough with severe back pain. Eventually after a year of complaining of this pain (negative MRI) I asked for Dexa scan and it shows advanced osteoporosis in my spine. My Gp who I only go to when desparate is unsympathetic to various symptom issues since diagnosis and told me I was lucky I had breast cancer and not another cancer which is less treatable. I'm not feeling very lucky and would like to change to a Gp who is more understanding.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a Gp central Dublin who is knowledgeable, proactive and caring?

Many Thanks



commented by LindyLu
20 September 2010

20 September 2010 21:23

Hey Avalanche

Sorry to read about your dexa scan results.

Am afraid I dont know much about you or your cancer treatments but I would think it important to go back to your team (either oncology or breast care team) in whatever hospital you attended and tell them about your osteoporosis. Some of the chemos and drugs you may have been put on post treatment eg an AI may have contributed to your osteoporosis. The team in the hospital may be able to refer you to a specialist Dept in a hospital that could help build up bone density with a combination of exercise, supplements and nutrition.

I could recommend one of the docs in the pratice I attend - a he but they are based in Dublin 13 which may not suit you.

Take care


commented by Avalanche
20 September 2010

20 September 2010 22:14

Hi LindaLu,

Thanks for your advice. Ya the osteoporosis is chemo induced and it was oncology who arranged Dexa after I continually said I was worried about my risk of osteoporosis as I am thin. Unfortunately they don't seem concerned that I have advanced osteoporosis in my spine and just faxed Gp to commence me on biphosphonates and calcium. I have asked for information on exercise, physio, diet, lifestyle but am getting no advice or referral onto a specialist. I contacted the osteoporosis society who have given me some advice.

After a general disinterest in anything other then recurrence I am also looking to change oncologists but thankfully I have a recommendation for that Image removed.

Sometimes just helps to have a moan on here.

Thanks for reading.


commented by hugs
21 September 2010

21 September 2010 09:16

Hi Avalanche, I had wondered how you were getting on.
You are right to change doctors, its even more important that they listen to you and take yuor concerns on board...not brush you off!!!
I hope youve sorted out your new oncologist (mine is great), again yuo need to have faith in him/her.

Are you going to the meeting on the 27th in Arc house. This is the new group they have set up for 5 weeks for young women. I have my next treatment on that day, but im going to try pop over (as im in the mater

commented by Avalanche
21 September 2010

21 September 2010 09:35

Hi Hugs,

Lovely to hear from you. I have been reading your posts but too tired to reply. Hope you are doing ok and over the port trauma!

Unfortunately I can't go to the meetings for 2 reasons first due to work and second on Oct 14th I fly to Switzerland for reconstruction surgery.........long story but basically implants need to come out and was no suitable surgery for me in Ireland but this surgeon has some newer techniques. I will be off work then for 8 weeks so may get a chance to hobble along to the Arc and catch up with some people.

Did you go to the seminar?

Get your name down for a fly fishing retreat you would have a ball it's such a laugh!!!

A x

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