Breast cancer
posted by deefed
26 January 2013

Good news from me girls

Last reply: 29 January 2013 22:59

Hi Girls

Five chemo treatments under my belt so far AC x 4 and Taxol by 1. Monday I did an MRI and Wednesday did Mamo and Ultrasound.

Met surgeon yesterday and he was pleased with my progress he said there had been a partial response to the chemo which is the best they hoped for there are four responses a) it gets bigger b) it stays the same c) partial response and d) full response - we had never expected a full response. He seemed really positive and he said that after my Mascetomy in April that I would be Cancer Free and I made him repeat it twice;-) I was sort of really shocked when he said - not sure what I was expecting as that was always the goal. Was fecking delighted. He was nearly thinking of cancelling the next three chemos but Onc said she was "very happy" with my progress and that we should continue on with it - I too think I should continue as found in the last three weeks I can actually feel it shrinking myself.

We discussed immediate recon (which I really want) he said he would be happy to go ahead with that but have to see the plastics doc to see if she agrees with it. I am a big boobed girl at around DD/E cup he said that recon would prob only go to a C cup so other one would have to be reduced (dont have a problem with that).

So all in all girls great day, chemo working, tumour shrinking and possible immediate recon and of course CANCER FREE in April.....even the nurse repeated it - I thought to be honest it was quite a big statment for them to make??

Wanted to share my news with you all as you have all been great its great we have each other on here. I hope we get more good news from other girls as well - we need good news on here to keep us all soldiering on.

Going to a Fancy Dress tonight as Sinead O'Connor as a priest - woohoo and I am sure gonna celebrate and have loads of drinks Image removed.



commented by Kathleen
26 January 2013

26 January 2013 14:25

Brilliant news. You are truly living up to the name of your blog! Made me cry - but happy, happy tears. Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.

Have a great party tonight - lots to celebrate!



commented by deefed
26 January 2013

26 January 2013 14:48

Thanks Kath - gonna party my little sock off

commented by Amaryllis
26 January 2013

26 January 2013 17:36

That's brilliant Dee - really delighted for you. Downhill from now on!!!

Fair play to you braving your bald head - when I got my head shaved off first with a blade 1, I thought I looked like Sinead O'Connor too (though others thought I looked more like someone from Auschwitz!....)- but since my chemo now I have a shiny, pasty head so wouldn't dare to brave the bald look now......good news is though that I'm getting mre used to the wig now...

Enjoy the party!
Liz Image removed.

commented by youngk
26 January 2013

26 January 2013 17:56

Wonderful news, and great that you can get immediate re-con. I really hope it all goes well for you.

commented by encee
26 January 2013

26 January 2013 19:11

Ah Dee, that is super news - I'm sure you must have been a bit overwhelmed upon hearing such a powerful statement!

You won't feel April coming around - go with your gut instinct on what way your surgery goes - you know the ins and outs of it by now so it's going to be what plastics opinion will be that will be interesting!

and what is it about the world and it's mother going to fancy dress parties tonight!!!! Jeez, I'm going to have to start making stuff up to pretend I have an exciting life! Image removed.

commented by Annie272
27 January 2013

27 January 2013 18:25

Delighted to read your good news xxx

commented by WicklowLady
28 January 2013

28 January 2013 10:07

Fantastic news so thrilled for you xxxx Image removed.

commented by shirls
29 January 2013

29 January 2013 22:59

Brillant news, delighted it's all going well.
Happy days Image removed.


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