Breast cancer
posted by deefed
04 May 2013

Got the ALL CLEAR after mascteomy

Last reply: 06 May 2013 12:18

Hi Ladies

feel terrible havent been on here in ages. Just an update had my mascteomy last week and now that part is over, Chemo (check), Mascteomy (check) now onto rads in a few weeks.

Got pathology report yesterday with excellent results as far as medical science can see he said I am cancer free. Only 1 out of 19 nodes affected.

Feeling delighted with myself but still a little sore body and mind.

Just wanted to let you know that through all the crap there was light at the end of the tunnel. For all those starting off best of luck, keep the chins up and dont let this bastard beat us!!!



commented by elizo
05 May 2013

05 May 2013 19:48

Hi have been reading your blog you are an inspiration with your positive attitude. Take care of yourself now after operation.

commented by encee
06 May 2013

06 May 2013 12:18

That is wonderful news Deefed
It's an indescribable feeling of instant relief when you hear those magical words. So, so pleased for you, continued good health to you!

Take care xxx

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