just wondering if anyone has had tram flap reconstruction - where they take fat from your tummy and transport it up to the breast site???
I would love to get opinions on this and also if anyone has had it maybe a few details on how long in hospital, how long totally out of action etc
Initially when I had my mastectomy in July 2008 I said I was lucky to be alive and would happily live without a breast - However, I must be coming back to myself again (post chemo only, no radio required) as I am gunning to have cleavage again !!!
It just shows - life DOES get good again !!
Hi RoxAnn,
Good to hear you are looking into reconstruction now. Definitely a sign you are moving on!!
I think the results of a TRAM greatly depend on the surgeon who does it and how experienced they are. There is also a newer type of recon done from the tummy called a DIEP. It is similar to a TRAM but they don't use any of the tummy muscle, just tummy tissue AND they disconnect the tissue from nerves and blood vessels in the 'donor' site (Tummy) and connect it to new ones in the chest area instead. A TRAM tunnels the tissue up to the breast area but leaves it connected to the nerves, etc in the tummy. And I think there is also another option called a FREE-TRAM which is more like the DIEP but I don't know anything more about it. DIEP is a specialised type of Microsurgery and gives better results apparently but it is more difficult surgery and takes longer.
There is a US website that is good for information about TRAM/DIEP and many other types of reconstruction. It also has a pretty busy message board where you can get answers to specific questions from people who have had the procedure you are interested in.
Let me know how you get on.
Thanks so much for replying Googleberry1 and FH2.
You both will think I am so rude not to answer. I had alot going on the last month and put it out of my head.
However I had to make a decision and actually have my name down for the tram flap (the back one) as my plastic surgeon seems to do the tummy one with the muscle attached only and I think the least time on the ''table'' the better.
Googleberry1 - can I send my biggest ''hugs'' to your wife - Hoping that things work out well - Best of luck.
thanks FH2 for your information - I am quite small chested and my plastic man steered me towards the lesser time on the op. table so thats what I went with.
I am now waiting for a date for surgery.
kind regards,
Hi RoxAnn,
When you say 'the back one' do you mean they are using muscle and tissue from your back? I think this is called a Lat Flap (from the Latissimus Dorsi muscles in the back). I know a girl who had this done and she looks great.
Any idea how long you will be waiting? Are you having it done in Galway? Dr. Kerin?
Hi Fh,
yep you are right with the name of it !!! I think I will be having the op in the end of June with Mr. Jason Kelly in CUH..... just putting it before me as ''something i have to do'' !!! Not looking on it as being cosmetic at all. I know someone who had it done and it looked great - no doubt I will be posting the details which may be of interest and help to other members of our ''very special club'' !!
Have a lovley bank holiday monday !
Hi Roxanne
I am waiting to see the plastic surgeon in the mater re re construction. My breast surgeon thinks it will be the fat/muscle from tummy (I have enough fat on my tummy for everyone )
Will keep in touch with you.
Thats great Evelyn - We might be ''reconstructing'' at the same time !!
Oh gosh, I have enough tummy fat for everyone too but my boobs are quite small so my surgeon said i would get away with the back muscle.... the tummy tucks look fab on the internet though and i heard that the ''tummy'' does not come back afterwards even if weight is put up !! We will keep the site informed !!
Hi Roxann,
my wife had TRAM FLAP 4 years ago and she has always complained of a hardness and soreness where they reconnected the blood vessels. The whole breast feels like a solid lump.
I asked her today and she said that if she was to do it again she would have taken another option.
Unfortunetly her cancer returned over that last few months and aswell as been in the breast it has spread to her liver.