Breast cancer
posted by shirls
07 November 2012


Last reply: 10 November 2012 23:24

Hi Ladies,
Just finished my 6 x tch last Friday. I'm still struggling with it's effects but I know the end of this chapter is almost here !! yipee, can't believe it. My mind now begins to race to the next chapter for me which is Herceptin which I will be getting every 3 weeks until next July. What have been your experiences with this? what are the side effects like?
Appreciate any info girlies,



commented by wilmaone
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 19:54

Hi Shirls
Fantastic your finished chemo.Congrats.I like you had 6 tch and will be having my last herceptin next thursday.Have to say other than left over fatigue from chemo and the non exsistant veins the herceptin had very little effects.Cant believe the years up you dont find the weeks come round as your not dredding it like the chemo.To be honest the tamoxifen takes a bit of getting used to more so.However nowhere nearly as bad as chemo.
The only question id have over herceptin is that i think it slows down hair regrowth,although they say it doesnt.I will let you know on that one in few weeks time.


commented by veronica
07 November 2012

07 November 2012 22:34

shirls I left you a PM...

commented by Madge1
08 November 2012

08 November 2012 09:31

Hi shirls

I finished herceptin in June and the only real side effect I had was a runny nose and watery eyes that was pretty constant didn't realise how much until I finished and it cleared up. Was tired and sore but that was knock on of chemo and rads. Like was said you don't dread it like chemo hunt the vein was probably the worst part Image removed.

Be too to yourself

Madge x

commented by encee
08 November 2012

08 November 2012 21:55

Ah Shirls
Great to see you starting herceptin. Compared to all the other concerns and things to look out for when undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Herceptin is.... BORING Image removed.
With a little bit of luck you won't have any major side effects - biggest thin to watch out for is breathlessness and chest pains in case you start getting problems with you heart but you probably will be having an echocardiogram every 3rd treatment.

I have 2 Herceptin dates left (woohoooo!!!!); as previously said, runny nose is my only major side effect, my blood pressure seems to be on the low side since July but I'm ok with that. (There's a million reasons that it may be low so we can't blame it entirely on poor old Herceptin!)

I must admit though that I find myself wiped-out for the last month; I had a battery of blood tests last week and everything is looking hunky dorey so hopefully by early next year, my old woman syndrome will be past me and I won't feel like I'm aching and joints creaking as much!

Best of luck, hope it rocks for you Image removed.

commented by wilmaone
08 November 2012

08 November 2012 22:04

Hi ladies

Yes with the runny nose too,never put that with the herceptin!!!Encee i have 1 herceptin left and am wrecked the last few weeks too maybe its the culmination of all the treatments.Gosh we wont know what to do with ourselves every 3 weeks!!


commented by encee
10 November 2012

10 November 2012 23:24

I know!!! I'm going to have to make up a phantom appointment every 3 weeks until I have myself weaned away from hospital Image removed.

I'm nearly afraid to think of heading towards last treatment in case it goes tits up, har har Image removed.

But I'm secretly soooo excited at finishing treatment... Woo hoo!!!!

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