Breast cancer
posted by WicklowLady
25 January 2013

Little setback

Last reply: 28 January 2013 20:20

I'm only home went to Blackrock with my friend. Well..... Jane is not happy with the margins and wants to go back in Monday week to take out another bit. I was disappointed but once I didn't have to have more chemo I didn't mind that much. I'm a bit confused and my husband was giving out and saying 'why did they not take it all when they were in there' . He didn't ask when we were in there though!!! She said there were small tumours left but still when I asked her would I be cancer free when she takes out the rest if the margin she said 'oh yes but technically I think you're cancer free now and we are taking the extra bit just to be sure it doesn't come back' still she mentioned tumours. I'm confused. I've left a message for the cancer nurse to ring me to ask her.



commented by anriocht
25 January 2013

25 January 2013 16:45

Yes it's a lot to take in when you are in there with them and it's when we come out we think of all the questions again.

I think in general they try not to take more than what they feel they should, it is probably when they have a proper look at it after on the pathologist's table that they realise that a little bit more should be taken.

It is best to go back again anyway and make sure that the margins will be clearer because that will give you peace of mind as well.

Mentioning tumours and also saying you are cancer free is a little confusing, so best to speak to Cancer Nurse on that.

As you said yourself, just look at it as a little set back and next time round they will be much happier with the result I'm sure.

Sending you love and hugs,
Myra xx

commented by youngk
25 January 2013

25 January 2013 17:16

sorry to hear you have to go back again. sending best wishes your way! hope it gets sorted quickly for you.


commented by encee
25 January 2013

25 January 2013 18:31

Be the hokey, I'm a bit confused now to be truthful. I do know that going back to get clear margins is more common than we realise so that's ok'ish. Maybe pre-cancerous cells (such as) dcis are termed as tumours in medical speak? But shur what do I know!? I'm intrigued now!
I'm sure your head is even more fried than it ever was; I really hope you get a comprehensible return phone call. And I hope you get to enjoy your weekend xx

commented by WicklowLady
25 January 2013

25 January 2013 18:36

Yes my head is fried. I don't feel myself tonight just confused but I'll try and get answers on Monday. It would be great to be able to record what she said and analyze it. Anyway no more chemo and I said I didn't care what happened as long as I didn't have to get more. Maybe someone here may have been the same as me. I trust them with my life so I just need to get over the disappointment and get my satin pjs out again lol

commented by anriocht
25 January 2013

25 January 2013 18:51

It is not uncommon for them to have to go back in to get clearer margins, I know that from other cancer patients, disappointing nonetheless though.

Try and enjoy your weekend, you really are over the worst of it, having all that chemo behind you.

I've had my second session last Tues. and even with extra anti-sickness medication this time round, I still feel rotten. Head had to be shaved as well today, another lovely side effect of it!

Quite honestly I found having a mastectomy a walk in the park compared to the chemo. And you had wonderful results with your chemo reducing it from was it 2.5 cm to 1 cm?

I know I sometimes find that they talk so quickly during the consultation and often they'll refer to glands as nodes, which I always found confusing and such like and it may be the same in your case where she was referring to pre-cancerous cells as Encee mentioned. Best to speak to Breast Care Nurse when they return your call, often they take their time and tend to explain it better I find.

Of course it is disappointing, but you are a wonderfully strong person, I know I've seen your posts and this is just a little setback.

Take care and lots of love and hugs xx

commented by Neadi
25 January 2013

25 January 2013 19:48

A tiny tiny hurdle Mary. They are doing everything to make sure that every morsel of cancer is gone!!!
You CAN do this!!!!!
On Monday we will all be rooting for you and celebrating....

It's so frustrating when the set backs happen, but when they are overcome it's another step closer to the new normality we all crave!!!



commented by RuBoJu
25 January 2013

25 January 2013 20:56

Aw, I'm sorry you didn't get a very clear cut outcome. But still, at least you have the chemo behind you!

Hang in there and I hope you can enjoy your weekend. xx

commented by Kathleen
25 January 2013

25 January 2013 21:25

Poor you Wicklow Lady,

As the others have said it is not uncommon to have a second surgery. In the pathology tests, if there are any tumour cells found within 10 mm of the edges of the tissue they remove, the surgeon does not consider the "margins" to be clear. They prefer to remove a little more to be sure that what remains could not have been in contact with the tumours.

My guess is that the tumours your oncologist referred to are those they removed and later analysed and found to be too close to the edge. They would not have left tumours in place for sure.

Your poor dear Wicklow Man. It is so hard on our husbands too all of this. This is a setback for sure, but nothing more. The worst is definitely behind you.



commented by RoseoHH
26 January 2013

26 January 2013 09:28

Sorry to hear of your little set back.

I had to have a second surgery following my mastectomy to remove further lymph nodes. I had to wait 3 weeks due to blood issues that had to be checked before second surgery. These 3 weeks were the worst in my life, much worse than actually dealing with the diagnosis and mastectomy.

Luckily you only have to wait until Monday week and all I can say is keep yourself busy and be kind to yourself. It's best that they get clearer margins now. You have come so far and you will get over this hurdle. Then you'll be closer to the finishing line.

Try to have a nice weekend.


commented by deefed
26 January 2013

26 January 2013 13:54

Ahhh Mary thats the pits its so disappointing when you get news like this and you think you are finished. As all the others say of course best to make sure its all gone and think of it as a good thing because they are being so sceptical.

You said about taping the conversation. Twice now I have used my iPhone and taped conversation with a doctor and a nurse. I asked them beforehand if it was okay to do and they didnt seem to have a problem with it but of course as long as it was for my own use. I have replayed the doctors one a couple of times and found it very handy. Do you have a smart phone? There is a recorder on them

GOod Luck xx

commented by WicklowLady
27 January 2013

27 January 2013 01:30

Oh it's a pity I didn't tape the other day. Im hoping that I won't have to tape the next one as it'll be more straightforward , but I will ask again if I need to . Only a week to wait.

commented by WicklowLady
28 January 2013

28 January 2013 20:20

Nurse rang me back today. Apparently there are tumours that you can't see on a scan only under a microscope (they're probably precancerous cells) and there isn't a 10mm clear margin from these. They apparently don't react to chemo as I have invasive ductal ceranoma. I just get confused sometimes but I think I now know why she didn't take it out on Monday as it needed to go under the microscope anyway this time next week I will be done please God xx

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