Breast cancer
posted by Nialln
22 July 2013

Lymph Node Cancer

Last reply: 22 July 2013 17:01

Hi all,

we just found out my wife has breast cancer and are waiting on an MRI scan to get more detailed information.

however, my question is this. They found the cancer under her arm (following a GP visit when she found a lump). As I understand it, this would indicate a spreading of the cancer from the breast to the underarm. However, during the standard mamogram and ultrasound of the breasts they did not find anything (Hence the MRI).

Would I be right in my understanding then that this would indicate a stage 2 cancer and if so, what can we expect next?

I fully understand that everyone is different in their diagnosis and situations, but I am just trying to get my head around this. I don't think she is aware that it is possibly stage two so I am just trying to find out for myself first if she is at any "higher" risk.

Thanks in advance for any help and advice.



commented by WicklowLady
22 July 2013

22 July 2013 15:27

My advice is be patient don't try to preempt what the outcome is as you may be worrying unduly. They will tell you after the MRI. I don't know if there is primary cancer of the gland maybe there is. No point in guessing as this will only cause more stress. Wait and see and once you know you can deal with it then

commented by Nialln
22 July 2013

22 July 2013 16:04

Thanks WicklowLady,

sound advice, we got 1001 things running through our heads right now...

commented by WicklowLady
22 July 2013

22 July 2013 17:01

Absolutely and talking from experience you can start imagining all sorts but as the nurse said to me, try not to worry until you have something to worry about. Good advice. There is a lot of support on this forum so do let us know how it goes. We are all here for each other. I've great faith in the medical profession here , we are lucky. Take care

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