Breast cancer
posted by Gtlheart
11 July 2012

Out of the Blue

Last reply: 26 August 2012 10:56

Hi, I am also new to all this. I am 50 and had a mammogram on 13 Jan 2012 , which was normal, then on 18th May I had a mammogram from work. (they offer free mammogram when you reach 40 )Should not have had one but something made me go.this mammogram showed up something.Had to have ultrasound and biopsy on 12th June in the CUH breast cancer unit, (they all are the nicest Dr. and nurses I have ever met) and the result was cancer. I am so so lucky they found it early, it is early, stage 1, grade 2. Had lumpectomy and lymph nodes 5 removed last Mon 9th July.Waiting for results on 20th July. It is the waiting that gets to me. Have great support from my husband, children and family. Feel very very lucky but also scared, Radiotherapy and hormone treatment definite, the rest ? till results. Either I am a very calm and strong person or it has not really sank in yet cos I have not cried but feel good and very positive even if very very scared.Would like to hear from others with early breast cancer , what was their treatment and outcome. Thinking of you all G xx



commented by Irish Cancer Society
13 July 2012

13 July 2012 16:58

Dear Githeart,

I see that you have not had a reply yet so I wanted you to know that you could phone our Cancer Information Service here and speak to a specialist nurse. The number is FreeFone 1800 200 700, Monday - Thursday 9-7 and Friday 9-5.

Certainly waiting for the complete pathology results must be the most difficult time. Also we can put you in touch with another lady who has had breast cancer through our Peer to Peer support group called Reach to Recovery.

Wishing you the very best,
Cancer Information Nurse

commented by hollyr
13 July 2012

13 July 2012 19:33

Hi G..
Apart from the part about getting the mammogram through work your story is just like reading my own..
I've had my results, I too have to have the radio therapy and hormone therapy.. I'm waiting on the results of the onco test to see if I need the Chemo. I feel like this is all a dream that I'm going to wake up from
Good luck with all your results xx

commented by Gtlheart
13 July 2012

13 July 2012 20:26

Hi Hollyr, it is good to hear from someone like myself. I have not yet heard of onco so had to google it to check what it was. Maybe when I go for my results they will talk about it. Roll on the 20th July as I am tired of wakening up after about 2 hours sleep, then awake for about another 2 hours then maybe nod off. Have a feeling I will need chemo and my feelings were all right so far. Did not even have a lump but just knew when waiting for the results it would be cancer. Take care and good luck. G xx

commented by sunshine71
15 July 2012

15 July 2012 11:32

I can relate to that feeling of being 'lucky'. I too feel lucky to know I have this and this knowledge enables me to start a treatment process. I am also very positive and upbeat about my cancer. I feel now I know I can get on with this part of my life. I found on on the 7th July and will have my double mastectomy next Thursday. So so fast. I'm not sure if I'm having the reconstruction at the same time but I'm lucky its the same surgeon that will do both so making it much easier. He is offering the reconstruction but just have to make a final decision based on few things this Wednesday. But if not its not the end of the world and I can live without breasts until I get a reconstruction at a later date....but hoping it will be the same day.

commented by Gtlheart
16 July 2012

16 July 2012 08:24

To Sunshine71, wishing you the best of luck, hope all goes well,wii be thinking of you. G x

commented by sunshine71
16 July 2012

16 July 2012 13:48

[color=#BF4080:17i2ead8]Thank you Gtlheart. Just back from getting my 'new hair' this morning so another thing ticked off the list. So much to sort out in such a short time......and this evening I'm sorting out the whole 'social welfare' side of it. Very lucky that there is a gentleman who volunteers locally to support people diagnosed with cancer around the whole benefits issue....he works with the Dept. of Social Protection. So another off my list and nearly getting there. [/color:17i2ead8]

commented by Fighter
21 July 2012

21 July 2012 23:00

I'm also waiting on the oncotype results. Will have it in two weeks. I had a wide local excision (lumpectomy) and three nodes removed in June. The nodes were clear and the area around the lump also clear - which was great news. Will be having 25 sessions of radiotherapy and tamoxifen for 5 years. So so hope I won't need chemo, or that my results don't fall into the grey area where I have to make the decision myself.

commented by hollyr
22 July 2012

22 July 2012 19:06

I've had my onco results, 13 which is very good, but I still have to wait until my appointment on tuesday to see if I do/dont need chemo. I was up for my radiation appt on friday but was told there that I'm in the grey area regarding chemo. As I'm a small breasted person not enough of a margin was removed, this was clear, so I've fingers and toes crossed that I get away without having the dreaded chemo..
Roll on tuesday.

commented by Gtlheart
26 July 2012

26 July 2012 14:22

Hi all, up till the other day I had not even heard the word onco,anyway I have my appointment in the oncology dept on the 27th July so hopefully I will know what is what then.
I was at my own Dr yesterday ( stronger Lyrica as the skin on my arm so sore even to touch from the nerves connecting ) the bc nurse said my onco gives you % and you decide which treatment, hormone, chemo ,my own Dr advices me to pick chemo, she said it is the more aggressive treatment but it works the best at preventing cancer returning. She said as I am otherwise healty and fit and young ( 50 ) it should be no problem. I just want to make sure that cancer never returns. ... So scary enought from reading some of other girls topics on chemo, given a choice I will pick it. I have my first radiotherapy appointment next Tue, can anyone tell me what to expect and roughly how long to first one is.

How quick ones life chances, when thinking of my future I never had breast cancer down on the list. Image removed. before 26th June when I got my results I never heard of Her 2 , margins, etc,etc,it is like a language of its own that I have picked up pretty quick. Hopefully all going well I won't have to know the language again. Glad I can write here, it feels good to get it all off your chest ( excuse the pun ) Image removed.
Take care all Gx

commented by hollyr
27 July 2012

27 July 2012 08:46

I was told on tuesday I dont need chemo, so like a silly billy i cried. As my cancer was hormone receptive I've started on Arimidex tablets. I did ask the doctor what if that one cell had escaped through my blood stream, but he reassured me the tablets would seek it out and destroy it. I'm 55 and post-menopause. There are a lot of side effects associated with this tablet, I've had a hip replacement 2 yrs ago, and suffer with arthritis. so this worries me as the tablets wreck havoc with the bones.. on calcium supplements to try and combat those. will have a dexa scan yearly for a few yrs too.
I need four wks of radiation, I have a daughter getting married in 3 wks so asked to wait until after that.
Saying all that I know I'm lucky not having the dreaded chemo, but I still feel that all this is happening to someone else.
Good luck G today.. Given the choice I would have probably taken the Chemo, but I trust my oncologist when he says I dont need it..
I've a few more things to rant about but I'll leave it for now.

commented by Josephine
02 August 2012

02 August 2012 08:47

Hi girls
You might have seen some of my post where I was having an awful time on the first chemo. Sorry if I scared the wits out of ye! The first few days were horrible with nausea but nothing else happened. And after they emptied the shelves in the pharmacy on me, I think they got it right in the exnd Image removed. Had the second chemo yest and am much better so far,new anti sickness tablets doing the trick.

commented by Fighter
12 August 2012

12 August 2012 15:53

I got my onco type score - 15, with a 9% chance of recurrence so my Dr. said I didn't need chemo, just radiotherapy and tamoxifen for 5 years. I am so relieved not to have to put my body through chemo. She said that if the onco type test didn't exist she would probably have recommended chemo based on my age (46) as she feels it is more effective in premenaupausal women. I feel my life has been on hold since I was diagnosed in May so at least now I know I can get on with things and can get back to normality sooner that I thought. Have any of you started your radiotherapy yet? How are you getting on with it? I'm having the simulation scan next week and will hopefully starting soon after that.

commented by Gtlheart
14 August 2012

14 August 2012 09:40

Hi Fighter,
Glad to hear you don't need the chemo. I am having the simulator radiotherapy next week and should be starting radiotherapy mon 27 th Aug, the same week the kids return to school. (which already seems like a nightmare as with school hols and me been off work,no getting up early ) I started Tamoxifien on the 3rd Aug. notice hot flushes creeping up on me more and more each day, now starting to wake up very very weepy, feeling sorry for myself and have a great sadness all day. Try to do too much around the house to stop mysrlf thinking ,only to tire the body out,but not sleeping at all so had to get sleeping tablets from Dr . At least had good sleep last night.Can' t seem to focus on anything, brain dead all the time. It is only 7 weeks today since given the news about my cancer but it feels like 7 months. Funny once family and friends were told they were able remove the cancer nearly all calls stopped, even my bc nurse does not call anymore. Every one just seems to thinks that's great you are fine now 100% better.Must be those hormne tablets kicking in again. Image removed. Can't wait for this year to be over, roll on 2013 as things can only get better after this year.
Take care
G xx

commented by Fighter
16 August 2012

16 August 2012 15:11

Gtlheart, I could have written that post. I know what you mean about the cards, calls and sympathy gone because I don't need chemo. I got loads of Mass bouquet cards and hid them from my teenagers, I didn't want them thinking I was dying!!Even my husband says but you HAD cancer. I know he is right and I am very lucky but it's now I'm really getting p**d off about the whole thing. Maybe it's the tamoxifen kicking in, I'm on it a week now and am starting radiotherapy the same day as you. Will well up at the slightest thing and would love to go outside and scream. Where are you going for the radiotherapy?

commented by Gtlheart
16 August 2012

16 August 2012 21:32

Hi Fighter,
Yes I feel the same way as you do now, and cos I had the great idea of putting a fan in the bedroom to keep me cool all I got out of it is a cold, so now as well as hot flushes I am hot from the lemsips. Image removed. Phoned my bc nurse today and asked her if I am still allowed to phone her, (as I have not heard from her in nearly 3 weeks ) to enquire what if my cold is not gone when I am due to start radiotherapy and she said a cold is fine but not a chest infection. I am going to CUH in Cork for my radiotherapy. Where are you going? If you want you can contact me in the private section and leave your tel number and maybe we could support each other over the phoneas well. I was surprised the other day when I googled about shaving underarms and one list of answers was the questions I put on this site. I got a bit of a shock. I thought you would have to go into this site before reading anything.
Take care G x

commented by kazoo
17 August 2012

17 August 2012 22:34

Hi Gtlheart
How you're feeling all seems 'normal'. I've finished all my treatment, was on tamoxifen after intial diagnosis (Jan 2011), then chemo, followed by 2 lumpectomies and eventual mastectomy, and finally radiotherapy. Finished treatment April 2012. Am on tamoxifen now for next five years and awaiting reconstruction (very impatient!). The flushes are annoying but I find they have eased a few months in, I'm also affected by broken sleep and the weepy moments (was crying at Neighbours one of the days!!). What I find harder is you feel that the support is gone, you don't have the breast care nurses on 'speed dial' like they were when you were having treatment - or at least this is how you feel because they're so busy - and people assume that cos the cancer is gone, you're okay. I have been considering counselling because I've been told these are common feelings but am not sure whether I'll go down this road yet...find this website is a great place for support though. I'm also in Cork by the way:)

commented by Fighter
20 August 2012

20 August 2012 13:44

I'm not complaining but I've been on tamoxifen for two weeks now and have had no hot flushes. When did the side effects kick in for you. My feeling down last week I am putting down to PMT because I got my period at the weekend. I'm having my radiotherapy in Waterford - not looking forward to having a sore boob again especially when driving and getting comfortable bras is so difficult

commented by Gtlheart
20 August 2012

20 August 2012 17:32

Hi before starting the tamoxifen I was always a warm person then the side effects kicked in about a week after starting the tablets. My God am I hot now and sweatyand pains in my bones more so at night. The hot flushes seem to start in my legs and work their way up, and I sweat with them. Not looking forward to the radiotherapy when I can't shave or use deodorant under that arm. Feeling quite tired now, everything seems such a bit effort. Have to get my wits about me this week to buy the back to school stuff. Just don't feel like doing anything. Was out for a meal with friends the other night, got so hot and sweaty wish I had brought a change of underwear.!! It would be funny, only you get fed up with it all the time. .Hope this sorts it's self out soon. Take care all
G xx

commented by Fighter
25 August 2012

25 August 2012 18:01

Gtlheart, I was about to pm you, but couldn't work out how to do it. Best of luck with starting your radiotherapy on Monday, I'm also starting that day so we can compare notes along the way.

commented by Gtlheart
25 August 2012

25 August 2012 23:14

Hi Fighter, good luck to you too on Monday. 4.10 pm is my appointment. Feel a bit scared as it is only starting to hit me about having cancer. The radiotherapy will make it real. Have all my creams ready, the aloe vera one smells disgusting. I know I have my cancer box packed away in a hidden part of my brain, not sure if that is good or bad as I know it will surface some day, it all just still feel strange, I know it has all happened to me but then I think it is not me it was all a mistake it is someone else I know. Sometimes the smallest thing reminds me, ex.bag packers in a shop today for Marie Keating , I had put money in the bucket but only then noticed who it was for and I had to run out quick as I was starting to cry. I feel writing here really helps me. Thanks to all who listen to me. I think to send a pm you go into user control panel up beside login. I now bring a frozen gell bag thing to bed and put it under my pillow so when i turn the pillow over it is lovely and cold, then when that packs up during the night , i keep another pillow on the floor beside me so i swap. Take care G x

commented by Fighter
26 August 2012

26 August 2012 10:56

I'm getting no hot flushes what so ever - but I am getting upset a lot. I think I will contact the Solas Centre in Waterford to talk to a councellor. Went for a walk this morning and bawled my eyes out on the way back - I don't know what's wrong with me, when I know things could have been an awful lot worse - bloody tamoxifen, hate being on it.

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