Breast cancer
posted by Elizabeth4
18 August 2010

positive positive positive

Last reply: 18 August 2010 18:05

Good morning ladies. And thanks Roxann, Hugs and Flo for your encouraging replies.

I have been very busy since, setting up a support system for myself, including being back on this site. Your letters really help. Roxann, I got the book The Secret and have been reading it and working really hard at being in the present and thinking positive all the time and visualising. I also went to ARC house on the S.C.Road and did the relaxation yesterday. And I'm going tomorrow as well for Mindfulness which is more intense I think. Eccles St is actually easier for me to get to so I may phone there this morning too.

I'll be in the hospital on Friday to see the Radiotherapist and maybe someone from the psycho oncology team to assess me for counselling. And I found a talk on the net re letting go of fear - it was a buddist monk who told the story of Winnie the Pooh and his friend walking through a forest in a storm and the friend said, oh dear what is a tree falls and we are underneath it and Winnie said, what if a tree falls and we are not underneath it . . .

It seems to me that the reality of everything has hit me at once - being bald and having only one boob! But I'm fighting here and thanks again for all your help.

I hope you are all doing well.

Stay positive.

Loving thoughts to you all




commented by RoxAnn
18 August 2010

18 August 2010 13:01

great Elizabeth - you are on the positive road again - drive straight ahead and wave at the negative signposts along the way !!
I haven't been to ARC but must go there - I have heard so many good
reports about the people and their ethos.

Keep posting !!
r Image removed.

commented by hugs
18 August 2010

18 August 2010 18:05

Thats great to hear Elizabeth, hopeully it will all help.
ARC is great, I havent managed to get to the relaxation classes yet, i really should try though!

I know what you mean about the being bald and having one boob, throw on the extra stone in weight ive put on, and the spots i broke out in last week...which to me was worse than losing my Thank god they have gone Image removed.
Today I feel crap, but im letting myself have an off day. I stayed in bed tll 12.30, got up, had some brekkie, then came back to bed to read a book. I might get dressed
Tomorrow I will be up early, only one lazy day allowed at a time Image removed.

I love the winnie the pooh analogy, it really makes sense!

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