Breast cancer
posted by spudburf
08 April 2014

Post Chemo question

Last reply: 09 April 2014 19:30

Hi all, I finished my chemo 2 weeks ago YEY!! I was on Taxol for 12 weeks and am still on Herceptin until November. My question is did anyone develop any rashes? I have a rash on my face which is extremely itchy and my body skin is very itchy too. I've taken a non drowsy antihistamine which isn't great but I'm wondering is this normal or maybe its to do with the drugs leaving my system??

Anyone with this problem?



commented by LindyLu
09 April 2014

09 April 2014 13:42


I dont want to alarm you but can I suggest you but will you call the day oncology ward in whatever hospital you are being treated in.

It is probably a reaction to all the toxins. The onc team may well want to see you or run some blood tests.

Hope it is nothing but please let the onc team know ASAP!

commented by spudburf
09 April 2014

09 April 2014 19:30

Thanks Lindylu, I called in to my nurse today and phoned my oncologist so I'm trying piriton now and they seem to be working but will be in next week when they will do bloods. I didn't have time to stay today as I had an MRI scheduled.

Thanks for your advice Image removed.

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