Breast cancer
posted by murphyahp
06 February 2009

Reconstruction Problems/Rejection

Last reply: 15 April 2009 20:30

I had my mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on 1st December last.
Everything was going ok but for the last few days it has been getting sore and red. I thought I was just imagining it at first or maybe it was the cold but it's been getting sorer. Thankfully I had an appointment with the surgeon set for today anyway so I didn't panic. The dr was very concerned and said it looks like a serious infection. He said it was very unusual at my stage and, if it was going to happen, it would usually happen in the first few weeks. He put me on the strongest possible antibiotic and if I develop a fever or feel sick I have to go straight to A&E. I have to go back next week and if it's still the same they will take me back into hospital. Now my brain is in overload... could it have something to do with the cancer coming back.... is my body rejecting the implant....

I got such a shock as I though everything was going so well I hadn't imagined anything that sounds as serious as this sounds. I contacted my breast care nurse when I got home and they said just not to panic. I asked about implant rejection etc. and they just said not to start going down that road at the moment but I can't help it. I'll be ok if it's not the cancer but if it is likely I will need another operation to have the implant removed I think I'll be leaving it out!

Why was the dr so alarmed about going straight to A&E?

Has this happened to anyone else. I'll be 10 weeks post op next Monday.




commented by FH2
09 February 2009

09 February 2009 17:20

Hi Aileen,

Sorry to hear you have developed an infection so long after your recon.

I had BC (breast cancer) in 2006 and developed an infection (cellulitis) after my surgery. I was already on strong antibiotics due to a previous infection from a biopsy. When my heat and redness worsened, I had to go to A&E without delay so that they could begin IV antibiotics. This cleared up my infection in a few days.

Hopefully, the oral antibiotics will work for you. Its worthwhile using a pen to mark the edge of your red area now. If it gets worse and the redness spreads, it will be very obvious then. *IF* this happens, best to get yourself to A&E. If possible, get a GP referral letter on your way as you will be seen quicker this way. Also probably best to go the the A&E of the hospital where your surgeon is based, if thats possible (all your files, etc. should be onhand).

Everyone is right telling you not to panic but I know how hard that must be after all you have been through. It is 'possible' that an infection could cause you to lose the current implant so your concerns are not unfounded BUT you are a long way from that at the moment. If the oral antibiotic you are on does not do the job, IV antibiotics will most likely clear it up for you.

Please let us know how you get on. Good luck!!


commented by murphyahp
20 February 2009

20 February 2009 18:42

Hi Flo,

Thank for your reply.
Well I took my antibiotics over the weekend and as it was no better I phoned the breast care team first thing Monday morning (9th Feb) and was told to come on straight to A&E which I did. I still didn't feel that sick and thought I wouldn't be kept that long. I was on a trolley in A&E until the early hours of Tuesday morning when I was lucky enough to get a bed. By then I wasn't feeling so good and both my temperature and bloodpressure was high. After trying several times they managed to get the IV line in. I've never had great veins and with only one arm to try it was difficult. I had a scan to check the implant but thankfully it seems ok and they drained some fluid.

The veins in my hand and arm kept shutting down and they even tried to put the IV in my feet. It was tourture and in the end I refused to let them try anymore. At one stage they were plannng to take me to theatre to put in an line though my neck (I think) but thankfully that didn't happen.
When the IV no longer worked they tried me on massive amouns oral antibiotics again and thank God they seemed to work. I only got home today 12 days later (I was only in 6 days having the mastectomy) and am still taking a huge amount of antibiotics. Thankfully I am managing to keep them down and I seem to be responding slowly.

The staff, drs and team at Tallaght were wonderfull and it seems I was just unfortunate. They said they have never seen cellulitis develop so long post op but thank God it's not the cancer back or anything like that but it wasn't pleasant.

I am back up again next Tuesday and hopefully they'll be happy with it.

I can't believe they're closing the Breast Cancer Unit at Tallaght.... I think it's awful. I had to go for a seriotac biopsy to St Vincents and it came back clear. My dr at Tallaght still wasn't 100% happy and brought me in for a biopsy. He was right. It was cancer and I was very lucky that he questoned the first result. Travelling to Vincents for me is going to be a nightmare too it's so much further into the city!!!

Anyway enough complaining. I hope everything worked out well for you and thanks again for the reply.



commented by FH2
24 February 2009

24 February 2009 18:35

Hi Aileen,

Sorry to hear you had such a tough time fighting that infection! Poor you with your veins, it sounds like it was awful. I'm glad the oral antibiotics worked, even if it was in huge doses. it might be worthwhile looking at taking some PRObiotics now for a while after all that!!

Hope you are doing ok,

commented by murphyahp
07 March 2009

07 March 2009 21:36

Thanks Flo. Sorry I haven't replied but have had a problem with my computer... I'm doing much better thanks. Had a checkup on Friday and the dr was pleased that infection is on the mend. I'm off all the antibiotics now but feel a bit wrecked. Dr said it will take a while to get everything out of my system but the reconstruction is a sorry site and feels like it did when it was first done! sore! Dr said it's just been damaged by the infection but its hard to judge what the final outcome will be yet.

Jst keeping positive and glad really to be getting over it.

I hope things are good with you....

Best wishes


commented by FH2
15 April 2009

15 April 2009 11:27

Hi Aileen,

Glad the infection seems to have cleared up and you are off antibiotics finally. I hope you are taking really good care of yourself - not overdonig things, eating lots of fruit and veg and drinking plenty of water to flush out your system. I would also start taking a probiotic now to try and boost your immune and digestive system again. I found one in Boots for under 4euro for a months supply and it is a multivitamin as well.

Take care,

commented by murphyahp
15 April 2009

15 April 2009 20:30

Hi Flo.

Thankfully the infection is now totally cleared up but unfortunately the whole thing has left my reconstruction in a sad way... The scar has sunk deep into the breast, almost 2 cms, in places and it very strange. The breast looks like it splitting in two and I have to force the two sides apart to keep it clean etc. but thankfully it's not sore or anything. I also have a lovely arrow shape dent in the side where they had to drain some fluid during my infection problems. I've been back to my dr since for my 3 month checkup and he is not happy at all with it. He said we will have to wait another 6 months until everthing settles down more before he can judge things.
I fear I will need an operation to fix this but hopefully it won't be too major.....

I hope things are good with you.

Best wishes

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