Breast cancer
posted by WicklowLady
20 November 2013

Removal of ovaries

Last reply: 05 December 2013 23:37

After watching aine Lawlors documentary on RTE I was very interested in the fact that she had her ovaries and Fallopian tribes removed to decrease her chances of cancer there. My father has had lung , prostate and intestinal cancer and my mother has had colon cancer. This is something I am considering in the future. Just wondering what the women here think



commented by Georgie123
05 December 2013

05 December 2013 00:18

Hi ww lady,

I had a recent visit with my consultant, only recently diagnosed bc, he asked had I watched the programme, I had watched bits and pieces, basically he put jt there were a lot of facts but some fiction attached, since the show umpteen requests were made by patients about going down the route of having their ovaries removed, which he saw no reason for. Best person to ask is your consultant, it may benefit some but not others.


commented by Resolute
05 December 2013

05 December 2013 08:08

Hi Wicklow Lady!

Hope all's well with you! I was surprised also when watching the programme to hear about ovary removal and my immediate thought was that no one (medically) had even mentioned it to me before that. Is it done to try and totally eliminate oestrogen?

It's so tough trying to stike a balance between living a 'normal' life and at the same time wanting to do all you can to beat it Image removed.


commented by LindyLu
05 December 2013

05 December 2013 23:37

For what it is worth I am on a clinical trial, the SOFT trial - suppression of ovarian function. My ovaries are medically suppressed with a monthly injection that I get in Beaumont. I also take a post menapausal drug called Aromastin. One of the trial arms has the injection withntamox and the third arm has tamox alone. I had read about the trial in advance of being invited on it. It is intended to measure survival rates for pre menopausal women with oestrogen positive BC. The trial Is now closed and the results won't be out till next year at the earliest.

I have had an ok time being menopausal, it is not a walk in park but it is not horrendous.

I was 41 when I started the trial. Don't know if I would have considered it if I was younger. Big driver for me was the fact that my BC was very highly hormone driven.

Hope this helps.


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