Breast cancer
posted by mlnecraft
14 March 2013


Last reply: 15 March 2013 15:07

ahh ,so typical , I got my first chemo Tuesday ,the nurse is coming in the morning typo show me how to give the injection ,now what to do about the following , hubbieb has a big heavy cold (soon to be flue) my youngest had vomiting Tuesday night and wasn't too well yesterday ,won't be in school tomorrow. when are my worst days regarding picking up infections ,will I buy a face mask and wear it when around them ,just jokeing ,advice welcome ,



commented by WicklowLady
14 March 2013

14 March 2013 10:41

I think you are ok for a few days after chemo. I would have felt my worst nearly a week after chemo. It's so hard to avoid especially when you're living with people. They can bring infections home from work or school and might not even have it themselves. I brought my bucket of used needles back when I was having the herceptin, I was delighted with myself. You know the mask might not be a bad idea. We got the wipes and soap that disinfect just keep washing your hands and I think you might have to lay of the kissing for the moment lol

commented by Neadi
15 March 2013

15 March 2013 15:07

7-14 are the days to be very careful. But don't worry. Just be vagiuant and keep taking your temp and monitor how you're feeling. I got a nasty cold on my first cycle, but went to doc and got antibiotics. I tend to avoid public places in those days but now know what and where I can go. I got blast number 4 yesterday and hopefully all going ok.

Take care


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