Breast cancer
posted by jennette
04 July 2012

Salvestrols at work - do they really work against cancer?

Last reply: 10 January 2013 09:57

I am taking salvestrols as I have breast cancer. The person who developed salvestrols is Prof Gerry Potter, who also developed the new drug for prostate cancer called arbiterone - you might have seen it in the papers recently.
Salvestrols are based on fruit and vegetables so cant be patented - there are lots of case studies but of course no clinical trials, as no one would fund them.
If you look on cancer salvestrols at work, or salvestrol case studies, or just go through 'salvestrols' on the internet, you can find out how they work.
You can get them on the internet.
The scientists who developed salvestrols have been asked to speak to oncologists in Germany and Belgium as they are very interested.
I found out about them by accident - and hope that anyone reading this checks it out. Cancer is so rotten -
Best wishes to all. Jennette



commented by spadge68
05 July 2012

05 July 2012 16:12

Hi Jennette,
Thanks to you I did extensive research into salvestrols and have started taking salvestrols shield 350 twice daily as a maintainence dose. I had it confirmed that they do not interfere with tamoxifen either so happy days. When I looked into it further and coming from a medically trained background myself, it makes perfect sence so I am very grateful to you Jennette for putting the word out there re salvestrols!! The most important supplements to take with them are a good bone and joint supplement and also a very good multivitimin.
I found that when I was left with no follow up advise with regard to how I can keep my body and immunity as strong as possible. I had to go looking and doing my own research and I am very happy and hopeful that there is a world of information out there which can help us women stay well.
Thanks again!! You are an angel!!!
x x x x[quote="jennette":2621pso1]I am taking salvestrols as I have breast cancer. The person who developed salvestrols is Prof Gerry Potter, who also developed the new drug for prostate cancer called arbiterone - you might have seen it in the papers recently.
Salvestrols are based on fruit and vegetables so cant be patented - there are lots of case studies but of course no clinical trials, as no one would fund them.
If you look on cancer salvestrols at work, or salvestrol case studies, or just go through 'salvestrols' on the internet, you can find out how they work.
You can get them on the internet.
The scientists who developed salvestrols have been asked to speak to oncologists in Germany and Belgium as they are very interested.
I found out about them by accident - and hope that anyone reading this checks it out. Cancer is so rotten -
Best wishes to all. Jennette[/quote:2621pso1]

commented by Mimiraffo
06 July 2012

06 July 2012 14:13

I'm using Tamoxifen and have no side effects at all. It's been around for 30 years. Aromatase Inhibitors are good as well.

Before one decides to go out and spend good money on Salvestrol supplements at a health food shop, consider reading this below......Best to talk to your oncologist as they are [b:2bafatlf]qualified[/b:2bafatlf] in their field of work to what actually is proven to help prevent cancer recurrence. ... -offs.html

Guess all that vegetable intake really worked well for Linda McCartney who died from breast cancer aged 56 and a well renowned Vegetarian! RIP.


Hugs to all who have been newly diagnosed .DX 11mths ago and am doing well. You will all get through this.

commented by FunkyChick
06 July 2012

06 July 2012 15:45

Sorry got wrong topic!! Image removed.

Thanks Mimiraffo,

I think anyone trying out anythine including Salvestrols should run it past their Breast Care nurse or oncologist first even if they are not on Tamoxifen.

commented by Irish Cancer Society
20 July 2012

20 July 2012 10:37

Hi Jennette,

It would be advisable to let your doctor know that you are taking any dietary supplements, no matter how safe you think you are. Even though there may be adverts or claims that something has been used for years, it does not prove that it is safe or effective.

If you wish to talk about any issues relating to cancer and treatment, a specialist nurse can talk to you in confidence on the Irish Cancer Society's National Cancer Helpline at Freefone 1800 200 700. We are here Monday - Thursday 9am -7pm and Friday from 9am - 5pm

With best wishes,
Cancer Information Services Nurse

commented by jennette
20 July 2012

20 July 2012 19:27

I am surprised at the answers! have you actually researched salvestrols or just looked on quackwatch?
I certainly have run it past my doctor and surgeon -but unfortunately they knew nothing about it.
I suppose there is an attitude that doctors know everything-but in actual fact they are like you or me -
They would actually have to have researched salvestrols to know anything about them!

I went to see prof dan Burke, the medical pharmacologist who helped develop them. He was speaking in Galway. An academic, who certainly knew what he was talking about.
We have just got up to date in Ireland re the unnecessary removal of lymph nodes (re article Irish Times). There are so many ways of treating cancer now - but unfortunately the medics can be very conservative - and any new drug takes 20 years of tests before it comes on stream.
I prefer to research - and I have the belief that doctors dont know everything and neither do I. And I certainly dont know about anything until I have learned about it! Thank god we have the internet so that is made much easier for us.

Best wishes to all out there - I just feel that we own our own bodies and are able to maximise our chances by taking responsibilty for our own health and well being rather than being passive.

A friend of mine is having insulin potentiated chemotherapy in America - where he is able to access this treatment. Since cancer cells have about 16 times more insulin receptors than normal cells, insulin is given before the chemo which holds open the receptor cells -then the chemo is given. Because the cancer cells have so many more receptors, much less chemo has to be given and it causes much less damage to normal cells.

Can we get it in Ireland despite the logic of the treatment? no

commented by Madge1
24 July 2012

24 July 2012 00:28

Hi jennette

I too have done a lot of research on solvestrols and from a scientific point of view they are good for you. While the jury maybe out in some people's mind about their benefits re cancer looking after ourselves every way we can, can only help us stay healthy and hopefully never encounter cancer again. We all deal with post cancer in our own ways and I wish you lots of luck and health
Take care Madge

commented by Weffy
26 July 2012

26 July 2012 08:18

here, here jennette!

Oncologists are oncologists not nutritionists or dieticians...they know about their own field of expertise not everything that happens in the world....awithin 6 months of my first round of chemo my oncologist told me to keep doing whatever I was doing as it was reducing my tumours....unfortunately I became laxadasical with my own "alternative care" and I now have to start a second round of chemo and have resolved to learn and do as much as I can for myself and I recommend everyone else does've only got one life you need to make sure you live it as long as you possibly can!

commented by Josephine
02 August 2012

02 August 2012 09:56

Hi girls
I haven't looked up salvestrols yet but I definitely will. I had great success with another illness using diet and supplements when all the surgical and pharmacological options had been exhausted. I'm also from a medical background and used to having to do critical evaluations of scientific papers so if anyone wants to pm me a reference, I'll certainly check it out.
Also, it's nice to know we might be able to do something to help our selves instead of the way our lives are dictated by treatments and appointments rights now.


commented by JonD
01 November 2012

01 November 2012 16:10

If you Google 'salvestrols' you'll find almost all links go back to websites which are trying to sell you them. These sites are linked to the people doing the research. This is a very bad sign.

There is little risk of salvestrols doing harm, but there is currently no evidence that they make any difference to cancer patients. It's important not to put false hope in unproven treatments, especially those pushed by people trying to take your money.


commented by FunkyChick
05 November 2012

05 November 2012 11:08

While I'm very open minded about alternatives & do take supplements I would be very careful about research. Here's a couple of tips when you're researching anything: -

How to Read Research articles…

* Was the research carried out on humans?
* What was the sample size?
* Are side effects discussed?
* Is there a reference to cost?
* Is it published in a reputable journal or website?
* Is there a quote from an expert not involved in the research?

commented by mastergreener
06 November 2012

06 November 2012 16:18

[quote="jennette":opjwfgu7]I am taking salvestrols as I have breast cancer. The person who developed salvestrols is Prof Gerry Potter, who also developed the new drug for prostate cancer called arbiterone - you might have seen it in the papers recently.
Salvestrols are based on fruit and vegetables so cant be patented - there are lots of case studies but of course no clinical trials, as no one would fund them.
If you look on cancer salvestrols at work, or salvestrol case studies, or just go through 'salvestrols' on the internet, you can find out how they work.
You can get them on the internet.
The scientists who developed salvestrols have been asked to speak to oncologists in Germany and Belgium as they are very interested.
I found out about them by accident - and hope that anyone reading this checks it out. Cancer is so rotten -
Best wishes to all. Jennette[/quote:opjwfgu7]

Hi jennette,

How are you doing now with the Salvestrols?


commented by jennette
07 December 2012

07 December 2012 21:50

Hi Karl,

I went to a talk recently in Cork by Prof Gerry Potter - who researched and developed salestrols.It is really good talking to the men themselves- we are very lucky.

Main line scientists who have been invoved in cancer research for all their lives.

I am doing really well! Gerry said about one in five people dont have the mechanism needed to convert the salvestrols via the CYP1B1 enzymee into lethal cancer killers. I was upset as I have been taking the salvestrols since Feb 2012 and the three cancers I have in my breast have been thinning and shrinking but are not gone. I thought they could be going because of the tamoxifen - which is what the surgeon says is happening.
So - I thought I should stop the tamoxifen and see what happened. Gerry gave me good advice -to take chloroquine - look it up - it is a very good cancer killler - take on the min dose as for malaria prevention. Lots of research there- he had talked to researchers who said it helped the salvestrols work.
Cancers still shrinking away nicely - and one of them is hardly discernable on ultrasound.
Gerry suggests taking the salvestrols for three months - see what happens. Is there a result? - he says many people have their cancer completely resolve within 6 months. Jennette

commented by Kathleen
08 December 2012

08 December 2012 21:39

Hi Jenette,

I'm very pleased that your situation is improving - always so heartening for us all Image removed. Wonderful news.

However, I looked up salvesterols and I must say I feel very concerned indeed. There does not seem to be any international research, it all seems to be the work of a handful of people, in particular a certain Gerry Potter. On this web site ( ... 0825,1.htm) I found the following text written by Gerry Potter, which quite frankly I find truly shocking.

"I'm also a smoker so dont worry about it and enjoy it like I do. Smoking is only really of concern with lung cancer since it is the lungs that are exposed to carbon monoxide. The rest of the body is never exposed to carbon monoxide, so smoking will not effect the efficacy against prostate cancer."

How can this person possibly be credible?

He also writes

"So far everyone I know who has tried salvestrols has recovered from cancer. I have also documented over 500 cases of people who have responded to salvestrol therapy, only a fraction of which have been published."

If he really had 500 success stories, why on earth wouldn't he publish his research? This is the kind of breakthrough that doctors dream of making and wouldn't hesitate to publish.

Concerning Tamoxifen, on other web sites I have in the past seen testimonies of women who stopped taking their Tamoxifen treatment and came to regret it later when they were diagnosed with mets. My personal feeling is that we need to use every possible weapon of mass destruction against cancer that we can. The stakes are just too high to do otherwise.

Of course salvestrols may indeed be the treatment of the future and you may be in the lucky forefront of this treatment, so if you feel they are right for you, why not. But it's early days to consider that Tamoxifen hasn't been instrumental in improving your health. Stopping the treatment doesn't prove that it didn't help for all the months you did take it. Please do consider carefully the risks you might be taking.

I wish you all the best for a continued recovery and a return to good health as soon as possible.



commented by jennette
10 December 2012

10 December 2012 11:48

Thank you so much for reply and thoughtfulness.

I tink it might be worth your while watching Dan Burke on you tube - get a feeling of the man.

I really know how you feel - I am a total sceptic - but I suppose I am too with drugs/medical treatment and feel I have to look them too. Tamoxifen is not the best for the body - and there are problems with it as it does not seem to destroy the stem cells in cancer tumours - hence I am told by the surgeon that it will stop working and at that stage the cancer will run rampant.
However, the research on chloroquine seems to show that it does kill the stem cells, at a very low dose - and works really well with other forms of cancer killers. It seems interesting that the old drugs which were used for malaria or worms are being shown to target cancer cells also - like artimisin(wormwood) or vermex. Research on both.

commented by jennette
10 December 2012

10 December 2012 11:58

Seemed to run out of space!

Gerry said that 1 in 5 people done seem to have the mechanism in their body necessary for the salvestrols to work.

I am sorry, but I think it is worth a gander - especially if you look up the stats with chemo - which I think is rather primitive at present - and who really wants radiation? There is research out there called 'an inconvenient truth' - written by doctors, re surgery, which again is unsettling.
Did you read about Hoxey who followwed a horse around who had cancer. The poor horse had been stuck in a stable, and Hoxsey was interested to see what he did when let out. He ate lots of Burdock - and other plants which H noted - and the cancer went. I suppose all discoveries are the result of curiousity.
I suppose I started checking things when I got arthritis and doctors had nothing useful for it - also had asthma and migraine which again was not effectively dealt with.
The awful thing is that medicine as practiced is really not scientific. J

commented by Kathleen
11 December 2012

11 December 2012 15:02

Hi Jenette,

I have been thinking so much about you and about treatments in general. I too have found it very hard to believe - let alone come to accept - that I really needed the level of treatment I was prescribed, surgery, chemo, radiotherapy and now Tamoxifen. I felt great just before this cancer story started for me, out of the blue last year. How could I possibly need all that treatment? Mrs Sceptic. That was me all right!

Like you I turned to the internet and to forums like this one to try to put my situation in perspective. What I see is that pretty much the same types of treatments exist the world over. Also I see that we all go through moments when we reach out to try to find alternatives, something to give us extra reassurance that we have won this cancer battle for the long term. I've had several sessions with an osteopath while having chemo to reduce the side effects and yesterday I saw a reflexologist to try to reduce the hot flushes (seems to be a great improvement so far Image removed. but I'm not holding my breath - might trigger a flush ha ha).

Seriously, while I absolutely share your apprehensions about the heavy treatments we are prescribed, after my researching I am also very reassured that I am being given the most modern and up to date treatment possible. There is plenty of proof out there that my treatments have a high success rate. I am also interested in complementary medecine and the research into alternatives. I try to keep an open mind, but I do not want to live another awful year like the last one, nor take the risk that I might be pushing up daisies in a few years time.

I hadn't read before about the danger of stem cells not getting killed, but from what I see this line of research is pretty new and there is not yet much consensus about the mechanisms at work. Tamoxifen does not kill anything by the way. It simply latches onto any oestrogen floating about in the body and deactivates it so that it cannot be used to keep oestrogen greedy tumours going or let any new one get started. It doesn't work for everyone (nothing does) but it does have a high success rate. You can be resistant to it, just like any other drug. Judging by what you write you seem to be having good success with Tamoxifen which is great. Who knows, it might even be the combination of Tamoxifen with salvesterols that is doing the trick. What is certain that at the current point of medical research the evidence is heavily in favour of your improvement being due to Tamoxifen. If that combination is working well for you, and your surgeon is OK with the salvestrols as a complementary treatment, then why stop when you are on to a good thing?

I am sure that your surgeon has weighed up the risks and potential benefits of Tamoxifen in your specific case. I saw 4 doctors before going ahead because I was so nervous about it. They all assured me that I was giving myself the best possible chance of recovery by taking Tamoxifen. This despite my grandmother having died of a blood clot and my father also having a clot, thankfully caught in time, about 10 years ago. There is also recent research just this week that taking it for 10 years is even better than 5! ... -than-five

Thank you for sharing the information about salvesterols. It's good to know that there are people out there working on potential alternatives to the heavy treatments. I agree that Dan Burke and Gerry Potter present their case very well and I appreciate the time Gerry Potter has taken to reply to the multitudes of questions on the website. But, Jenette, do please remember that while these great guys are staking their reputations on researching alternatives, we might be staking our LIVES by relying only on salvestrols. There is NO real clinical evidence that they have any influence on cancer. The day that there is good proof that it's worth giving up Tamoxifen, I'll certainly be interested, but for now I'm taking it, hot flushes and all Image removed.

The argument that the drug companies do not want to invest time and money in solvesterols is true. There is no money to be made there. But a lot of money could be saved. If there was any real proof that this was a worthwhile alternative to the current costly care, health boards all over the world would be embracing this with open arms. But they are not.

Maybe you could chat to a breast care nurse for more advice and see your surgeon again before giving up on Tamoxifen. Cancer is not easy, the treatment is not easy, but reccurrence and metastasis and long term illness must be a thousand times harder. Let's take no unnecessary risk of going there.

( Sadly the horse story is a hoax. If animals knew how to cure themselves of cancer, it would not exist in the animal world but it does.)

Good luck and take care.



commented by Kathleen
12 December 2012

12 December 2012 18:35

Hi Jenette,

Just to say that I am still thinking of you. This is not an easy time for sure.

Whatever you might see out on the internet, in Ireland we have world class cancer care. Chemo may have been primitive in the past but huge advances have been made recently. Radiotherapy too has improved. Huge strides have been made in breast cancer treatments and outcomes.

Internet articles may try to tell us that medicine as practiced is really not scientific, but that has never been my personal experience. Anyone can publish on the internet. Just because it is out there doesn't mean it's true.

I hope all goes well for you whatever treatment you decide to follow. Do let us know how you are getting on.



commented by jennette
12 December 2012

12 December 2012 19:56

Hi Kathleen,

I am so sorry you have had such a rough year. Cancer is such a rotten thing to have. I do hope you are feeling better.
I found I had three small tumours in my left breast, with no involvement of lymph nodes - and I am post menopausal - so I had a lot in my favour. I think if I had been told I needed chemo, op and radiation therapy, I would have done the same as you.
It is just that I seemed to have a bit of time, and carefully monitored the tumour growth and did masses of research.
In actual fact there are different ways of treating cancers, and we do not have the most upto date ways in Ireland, infortunately. Check out new generation IPT - they are trying to get the equipment for it in one of the big London hospitals as it works. Then you have the research on cryotherapy which is amazing. And there is insulin potentiated chemo - much more scientific. Sorry Kathleen - there is a lot out there, but the establishment is conservative.
The research behind salvestrols is mainline. There is an enzyme in every cancer cell called CYP1B1. Every cell in the body takes in the salvestrols, but the CYP1B1 enzyme in cancer cells converts the salvestrol into something which kills the cancer cell. Neat!!!
We should be getting it in our diet as it is produced by fruit and veg which come into contact with mould as a defense mechanism. But if the fruit and veg are sprayed by antifungal chemicals they cant make the salvestrols. So cancer is an epidemic.
What makes you think the Hoxsey story is a myth?! The American Indians used Burdock vs cancer. Herbs have been used for thousands of years, and they are very complex in their action. Dogs can smell cancer on the breath. Elephants have been observed eating herbs to make them well. I think we underestimate our intelligences. I started off studying psychology and Skinner - and my goodness we were taught to be empirical in our approach!
Tamoxifen actually starves the estrogen dependent cells in the breast. But it causes the endometrial lining to proliferate and causes endometrial cancers and polyps. In post menopausal women it has been used as a neoadjuvant treatment and does shrink breast cancers- as I remember, there is a full remission rate of - I think either 3 or 5 %.
Anyway Kathleen - cancer is a ******** - and very humbly I think you need to give yourself all the help you can get.
Study the evidence pet.
Very best wishes Jennette

commented by jpbc
03 January 2013

03 January 2013 21:43

Study the evidence - Now there's a problem.

With Salvestrols there just is not enough. A lot of hype and some good early evidence, and then more recently very little. There are now sales web sites for salvestrols (manufactured i think by Professors Potter and Burke's firm or at least on their behalf) for Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, and Europe. This is now big business.

Salvestrols have been adopted as nearly a 'cause celebre' by many complimentary/alternative advocates. And the early scientific write ups and case studies are impressive.

If a fraction of the substantiation that went into arberitone was put into Salvestrols, we would all, as consumers/cancer patients now be very much better informed.

It is insulting for anyone (least of all a health researcher) to suggest that they hold good evidence about the effigacy of something that might assist cancer patients and not to publish it.

There is a "Cancern Compass" forum discussion of over 50 pages where Professor Potter makes more claims on Salvestrols, but again no substantiation. Both himself and Professor Burke are excellent communicators. The question at this stage is are they salesmen or healers.

Think of it like this. If Salvestrols were as effective as Professor Potter and Burke imply, - in only 20% of cases, (and they surely suggest this at the very least) they would be doubly as effective as chemotherapy in a lot of cancers. So where's the Nobel prize?

All this is terribly disapointing, as there is reasonable research to suggest that they may well be on to something. If only some of the profits from worldwide sales could make their way back into even more basic research and data collation!.

commented by jennette
03 January 2013

03 January 2013 22:31

Consider - clinical trials are hugely expensive and must be funded by drug companies as they are the only ones with enough money. Would a drug company be interested in doing clinical trials on something they could not patent?
Clinical trials would take about 20 years.
So the only results which can be talked about are results obtained by ordinary people, who have taken salvestrols.
1 in 5 people do not seem to have a metabolism which can translate the salvestrols into a cancer killer.
Gerry said he often hears of people who are so ill they cannot have chemo. They take salvestrols - start to get better - then the doctors consider they are strong enough to take chemo - and they die.
It seems hard that people are asked to take the extremely toxic route of chemo - and not encouraged to try the gentle salvestrol route.
I really cannot see why people who have cancer do not try salvestrols - even for 3 to 6 months - and just see for themselves whether they feel inclined to continue or not.
Oncologists in Germany have been very interested in salvestrols, and Dan Burke has been asked to talk to them twice. The science behind salvestrols is obvious to any scientist who looks at it.

commented by jennette
03 January 2013

03 January 2013 22:45

Always people have used 'logic' or arguments to rubbish anything new - a round earth, semmelweiss using hygeine to drastically reduce peurperal infections, etc etc.
The only thing I am really interested in is - does it work? What is the research behind it? Who are these people who developed the product. Are they evasive? How do they answer my questions?
I have been to talks by both prof Gerry Potter and Prof Dan Burke. These men are highly respected scientists - they are not 'salesmen' and they really care.
Gerry said that you dont need to take salvestrols to prevent cancer if you eat an organic apple a day, as there should be enough salvestrols in the apple to knock off any odd cancerous cells. But if you want to get rid of established tumours you obviously have to take more salvestrols -
I am the biggest sceptic in the world - but cynicism is silly and just not scientific. All I can say - the proof of the pudding is in the eating -

commented by Kathleen
04 January 2013

04 January 2013 21:59

Hi Jenette,

I think that we will have to agree to differ on what we believe on this subject. I certainly don't want to wage a war of words with one of my ICS sisters. We have bigger battles to fight - and win. Image removed.

An organic apple a day sounds like a good resolution for the new year.

However, as many people are reading this thread, until you can point us to some convincing evidence that salvestrols alone can prevent or cure cancer, it is not enough to just say in a forum like this that evidence exists. The exchanges of information on the CancerCompass website do not constitute medical research. All I can see is that some tests in lab were done about 8 years ago that showed promising results with respect to one particular enzyme. This does not seem to have been followed up by any else other than selling salvestrols on the Internet.

Suggesting that cancer patients wait for 3 to 6 months while trying out an untested treatment could mean the difference between a perfectly treatable cancer and an unnecessary death.

Gerry Potter's point about organic food and fungicides is not clear at all. Why did people get cancer in the past before fungicides were ever invented, when everyone ate their own home-grown fruit and vegetables? Until relatively recently ONLY organic food was available? People still got cancer. There has been a partial swing back to organic food recently. Why are cancer rates not declining?

You say:

"Gerry said he often hears of people who are so ill they cannot have chemo. They take salvestrols - start to get better - then the doctors consider they are strong enough to take chemo - and they die."

What needs to be more clear is that these unfortunate people die of CANCER, not chemo. People who, for whatever reason delay the treatment for cancer, greatly increase their chance of dying. Generalized cancer does not get cured by chemo or anything else. This statement does NOT prove that salvestrols work, only that cancer can and does kill people.

Concerning Tamoxifen, here is a summary of a recent study on the benefits of Tamoxifen. The figures you quote (3 or 5 percent remission) come from a naturopath not a medical web site). ... 1/abstract

Of course I sincerely hope that salvestrols work for you. They sound like a good option for a complementary therapy (with a doctor's approval), but it is very early days to consider them as a viable alternative therapy.

All the best


commented by jennette
06 January 2013

06 January 2013 20:35

Hi Kathleen!

The stats on tamoxifen are on neo adjuvant treatment in post menopausal women and are main line!
I understand your suspicions re salvestrols - unfortunately there is a lot of evidence showing the dangers of chemo.
It is not targeted so kills fast growing cells. Unfortunately the gut lining has also fast growing cells. If the gut lining is damaged, digestion is difficult - and cachesis, which is a result of secretions from the cancer cells, can be difficult to prevent.
In fact - researching cachesis I see that the medics seem agreed that they need to address cachesis but really seem to be at a loss how to. ie. they cant.
I am so glad you are doing well. Please God you remain in fighting form!
I wonder have you looked at 'salvestrol case studies' on the internet.
I agree - it is very frustrating not having clinical studies - but to be honest, some of the clinical studies out there are somewhat suspect! (Vioxx for instance)
Anyhow - we are where we are.

commented by jennette
06 January 2013

06 January 2013 20:50

Apparently salvestrols are highly effective in shifting cancer in dogs - but not cats - and will do so in about three months.
I suppose it is very hard to credit that it is possible, and I am not suggesting that people do not follow the medical model - but unfortunately the model can be out of date, and I think it is worth while researching what else is there, and thinking about it.
Obviously - if people are taking a raw organic diet they will be taking quite a lot of salvestrols. The Essaic formula is high in salvestrols. The Grape diet if organic is high in salvestrols.
I think if you look at the stats re cancer the rate of cancer has gone up massively, and the ability of the medical profession at present, to heal cancer is not that good. The advantage of salvestrols are that they are targetted as opposed to chemo.

commented by jennette
06 January 2013

06 January 2013 20:55

From my point of view it seems a tragedy not to maximise ones chances - cancer is such an awful thing to have, because the doctors really do not know how to treat it successfully at the moment.

commented by WicklowLady
06 January 2013

06 January 2013 21:11

I don't agree Jennette that doctors don't know how to successfully treat cancer and the comment doesn't help people on here that are scared shitless like myself and are putting their faith in their hands to cure you. People are genuinely scared on here and they need to be supported not frightened.

commented by Kathleen
06 January 2013

06 January 2013 21:43

Wicklow lady,

Thank you! I agree, this site is not for scaremongering, but for sharing our experiences and useful accurate information, preferably from reliable sources.

Jennette, most of the information you quote, that I have been able to find again on the web, comes from naturopath sites trying to SELL something. All of the trashing of conventional treatments come from such sites and they are in total disagreement with the main cancer information sites (Komen, McMillan, , Livestrong ...). I don't feel it is appropriate to only point to the negative sites. We are all vulnerable here and pretty scared. Cancer treatments ARE better and more targetted than they ever were. Huge advances have been made in recent years in breast cancer particularly. Please stop casting aspersions on our doctors and our treatments based on the content of dubious web sites.

Everything on salvesterols comes back to Gerry Potter. He is a shareholder in the company making the product. The case studies have been published in a totally NON main line medical journal called the "Journal of Orthomolecular Medecine" ( ... r_Medicine). Gerry Potter has a financial interest in salvestrol production and can not be impartial. Proper scientific studies would have totally impartial people working on such a subject.

If there was any real truth that salvestrols were making a difference I think that our oncolologists would have heard about it from each other at their international conferences (patients they didn't expect to survive and thrive but who unexpectedly beat the odds) and they would be following it up. Maybe they will soon... who knows.

Looking forward to the day that cancer will be a thing of the past.

All the best to you both


commented by jpbc
07 January 2013

07 January 2013 01:49


I never mentioned Clinical Trials. What I highlighted was the scarity of proper basic research and collation of available data being undertaken by a group of people promoting and profiting financially from worldwide salvestrol sales. This would not take twenty years or cost millions.

Where for example is a Salvestrols specific website where the promoters allow testimonials which they take to trouble to verify.

Where are the reports/case studies from complimentary doctors and naturopaths who are recomending salvestrols complete with outcomes good and bad.

The company which sells Salvestrols now has a ten year and growing international data base of customers who regularly order salvestrols. Do these people as a consequence have lower incidence of cancer than the general population. This would not cost millions to ascertain.

Professor Potter after all has stated that he does'nt know anyone with cancer as he has given Salvestrols to all his friends.

I say that the promoters of Salvestrols have moral and ethical responsibilities which they are ignoring, to continue to provide a flow of reliable information which has not happened in a while.

To coin a phrase used in Irish politics by some, "People before profit"

Taking Salvestrols still sounds like a good idea to me, based on what we do know, but the learned Professors and their associates are selling us all seriously short here.

You obviously liked the two Professors when you met them. This is not surprising. Professor Potter comes across as a kind, patient and humane man on Cancer Compass, and Professor Burke equally so on you tube.

I repeat, the greatest reaction I have to all of this is one of disapointment.

commented by Irish Cancer Society
09 January 2013

09 January 2013 15:40

Hi everyone,

just a reminder that it's important that we keep discussions on this forum civil at all times. We appreciate there is a divergence of views and this discussion is a useful one to have, but please be respectful of other people's views and feelings.

The policy of the Irish Cancer Society is that complementary therapies should never replace conventional treatments. Salvestrols are not a proven treatment and we cannot support their use at this time. We would ask users of this forum not to advocate the use of alternative therapies instead of conventional treatment, or to go against the advice of medical professionals. It is acceptable to give your own anecdotal account of your experience of alternative therapies, but please do not make claims about their effects. Such claims can not be substantiated and may be misleading to others.

Webmaster, Irish Cancer Society

commented by Irish Cancer Society
10 January 2013

10 January 2013 09:57

This topic has become far too contentious and is getting completely off-topic.

Hence, I am locking the thread now. Also, I am going to remove some of the recent posts which were not related to the topic at hand. I am not going to take any sides in this matter. However, I do ask all concerned to remember this is a civil and reasonable forum, which is primarily intended to enable people affected by cancer to connect with each other.

I am also asking forum users not to continue this topic elsewhere on the forum.

Thank you, Webmaster

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