Breast cancer
posted by Bizzybee
17 June 2013

starting chemo and holiday booked

Last reply: 04 July 2013 12:27

Hi all - new to this forum and finding it very helpful, not all doom and gloom in fact quiet the opposite. Was diagnosed with breast cancer in May. Have to have eight sessions of chemo followed by mascetomy followed by radiation. I am due to start my chemo in two days time and then had a holiday booked for next week - 5 days after my chemo. What do I do - now I am only going to the UK so its not too far away. My doctor says Ill be fine go ahead as its into my second week but the nurse says I am not going to be well. Trying to keep everything as normal as possible for the children but am I mad to even consider this. What does anybody else think. We will be staying in a house with friends so its not like ill be stuck in a hotel or anything.



commented by youngk
17 June 2013

17 June 2013 16:56

Hi there BizzyBee,
Everyone reacts differently, but when I had my Chemo I was OK for 2 days, then felt rough for 2/3 days then started to feel better (but tired). it did seem to build up over time so the first treatment was not as bad as the last few. If you react as I did you should be OK to go on holiday as long as you are not planning to do too much, don't plan on doing too much driving or too many activities with the kids, let your friends do that for you!!
Good luck

commented by encee
17 June 2013

17 June 2013 23:03

Hi BizzyBee

The very best of luck to you over the next few months, hopefully it will go on for you.

As youngk said, everyone is different but funnily I was more or less the same. I had my first chemotherapy on Monday, began to feel gawky on Wednesday night, was wiped out Thursday and Friday but bounced back, right as rain on Saturday until my next treatment.

I can't tell you not to go, but when I started, we were offered a holiday home for a week up the north of Ireland and my oncology liaison nurse advised against it, in case anything happened - she didn't want me to have to attend hospital anywhere other than where I was getting treatment. So we didn't go - went surfing in the west instead Image removed.. Well, to be honest, I didn't, but my husband and eldest daughter did. Enjoyed laughing at them from the beach!!!

I'm probably as useful to you now than a paper bag in a rain shower.

Take care & hope all goes well xx

commented by Ania
18 June 2013

18 June 2013 09:10

Hi bizzbee,
As the ladies have said everyone reacts different. You won't know what will be typical for you until after your first session. For me the drugs kept me going for a few days then I would have been sick for 4-5days. I was worse for the first few sessions until they sorted out my meds and only got more tired not sick with the following sessions.

The only concern I would have about going on hols in your 2nd wk would be the low immune system. At least at home you are immune to familiar germs but going to someone else's place, u cud pick up an infection more easily. I know we had a family gathering in my house after first chemo and I got so sick, I banned large groups and wiped down all surfaces when they left- maybe extreme but I didn't get sick r end up in A&E with an infection again.

It's up to you, u know ur own body but the first cycle is tough cos you have no idea what to expect, or what side effects will hit you. Best of luck xx

commented by Bizzybee
18 June 2013

18 June 2013 09:35

Hi ladies - thanks for the feedback - totally torn now dont know what to do. I think ill just play it by ear - chemo tomorow and due to to go monday - if im totally wiped monday ill stay behind. Im hopin I have the same reaction as you and be coming round by Monday but I definitely do not want to be sick out there and end up in hospital - nightmare. I have worked in a creche for the past ten years so im hopin i have a bit of an immunity built up to the general everyday bugs that will carry me through the first one anyway!!!!! Fingers crossed.


commented by encee
19 June 2013

19 June 2013 16:32

Hi girlies!
Just on that whole infection-fear thing; I asked the nurse what precautions I should take to avoid getting bugs/etc.; and she said to most certainly do not lock myself away or avoid crowds - just to be aware of hand hygiene, keep away from people you know to be sick, eat well, drink plenty, basically, business as usual. The most important thing is to rest when tired. And use your cop-on! My mother had a serious lung infection when I came out of hospital and still had it when I started on chemotherapy; I told the crew in hospital what she had and asked should I keep away from her and they never discouraged me from being around her.

commented by Veronica102
20 June 2013

20 June 2013 00:09

Hi bizzybee,
Hope you have a great holiday you have earned it!! Ive just finished my 5th month of taxol chemo( but get it a bit different- 3 weeks of chemo followed by a week off) and have been lucky not to be sick from it. As everyone has said do beware of tiredness as after the steroids have worn off you can be exausghted-I had chemo today and stii am . I really hope you have a brilliant time , be good to yourself ( rest!) and enjoy it

commented by Bizzybee
20 June 2013

20 June 2013 10:20

Hi Ladies

Well had my first chemo yesterday and it wasnt half as daunting as I expected - those nurses are absolute angels dont get the credit they deserve. Anyway my nurse said pretty much the same as you Veronica go ahead and do everything i normally do just use cop on - v careful hand washing, be careful where I eat - no burger or chip vans etc just everyday common sense so hopefully it will all work out. She said if I am sick and the antisickness are not working just give her a ring and dey can fax a prescription for something stronger to the nearest chemist. So unless I take a turn for the worse between now and monday its u.k. here i come - will keep you posted.


commented by Superwhy
22 June 2013

22 June 2013 16:41

I hope u are still keeping well and looking forward to ur holidays on Monday.

commented by RoseoHH
23 June 2013

23 June 2013 08:29

Good morning Bizzybee

How are you feeling? I hope you are doing OK and you're able to go on holidays tomorrow.

Take care.


commented by Bizzybee
29 June 2013

29 June 2013 20:59

Hi all - excuse the typing it's from my phone - well I'm back from hols and all went brill. Wasn't feeling v well sat r sun so was really having second thoughts about going on mon. Wasn't 100 per cent mon morn but was a lot better so went ahead. Was delighted after I did coz was back to normal by tue and have been fine ever since thank god. Had a great holiday got back yesterday. Still no sign of hair loss so dats my next hurdle now so aim to make the most of the next few days before next session on wed. Delighted I decided to go after the break did me the world of good - bizzybee

commented by Superwhy
29 June 2013

29 June 2013 21:17

Ah that's great to hear and glad u got to enjoy the holiday.

commented by RoseoHH
30 June 2013

30 June 2013 08:39

Hi Bizzybee,

I'm so happy to hear your holiday went well. There's nothing like getting away to give you a bit of a boost.

Best of luck for your next chemo on Wednesday.


commented by deefed
04 July 2013

04 July 2013 12:27

Well done Bizzy Bee great you got a break in and you were not feeling too bad..... nearly two down now - thats only 5 +1 left Image removed. thats the way a friend of mine thought me to count em! Go Girl

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